Saturday, October 05, 2013

Japanese Class

Our  high school students wanted to take more years of Japanese. They'd already worked through Pimsleur. Arielle wanted to be "fluent." Nolan was game to give it a shot too.  I began to look for programs.

I found some sites which would work for the younger two. Finally, I called Ryu and Kim. I went to college with Kim. We reconnected again in Tokyo. Ryu, Kim and Jun have since immigrated to America. Kim teaches English to Japanese students. I wondered....would she be willing to teach these two.

Ryu will teach them! He's the native Japanese speaker in their home.  Kim purchased some books for the kids in Japan, a friend of hers brought them over....and they're off.

Ah - the wonder of Web Ex.  They'll meet weekly via the Internet. I promised Akikosan we'd not forget our Japanese. I think it's a promise we can keep.

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...


Kim said...

We had a wonderful time with your kids, De'Etta! We look forward to getting to know them better and better this year!

Laura said...

That is terrific!! What a wonderful opportunity.