Monday, February 10, 2014

Eight Gherkins in OR....

We had a great, boring travel day. We never got the CD out of the car stereo, but we bypassed with a laptop and an audio cord....

This made us laugh, though as we contemplated we came up with reasons for a handicap semi-truck parking spot. 

We do have a funny story from the day - but I need more time to write it up. It involves a man and his trailer leaving his family in a gas station restroom, several dashes across a busy street and lots of laughing bystanders. ::grin:: 

I ran out to the local fast food joint and found breakfast for the crew.  We discovered apples slices and OJ are about the only vegan options at McDonalds in the a.m. 

We arrived in Springfield early afternoon and parked here beside Drew and Krista's home. 

 We grabbed some lunch  and  headed over to my parents home. Mom had a birthday today. Lorri (my cousin) had picked out a wonderful cake for her - the perfect for her really - a Chocolate ice cream cake. 

 We visited, watched some Olympics, and then when the girls were off work, we left for the rest of the night.

Michael and I stopped and visited with my brother, Will, and his wife, Sherri. Nice visit. They are right next door to Drew and Krista's. It was fun to see Krista's  new home - though we are used to visiting here when Will and Sherri lived in the home. Drew is Will and Sherri's second son. Visiting last night reminded me of the trip he made to visit us in San Antonio 9 years ago.

Drew (right - just threw darts) and Zander had a good dart game going. 

A rousing game of Imagine If

Drew, Krista and Bre all have early mornings on Tuesday. We are snuggled down in the trailer. 

Please pray with us for traveling weather conditions for the four Gherkins who still need to get here before Friday. They are due to fly in on Thursday. The airport has been closed due to weather. It's warming up and raining here so I'm guessing the snow/ice will leave and the airport will open. However, their part of TX is under a severe weather ban now and we are praying that passes before Thursday. They will need to drive to Dallas to catch their flight - and that's a 3 - 5 hour drive.

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

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