Wednesday, February 12, 2014

One Day and A Wake Up!

We knew today would be crazy busy and it was. 

Drew and Krista left early for work. 

Michael and the boys left at 0800 to attend a Prayer Meeting with my dad. 

The girls and I got up, experienced minor obstacles to get ready and then left for a day of wedding fun! 

We stopped by a family friend's. I lived with Gary and Joneile when I graduated from high school and came back to America. She has some fripperies (really beautiful antiques) BreAnne is borrowing. 

Next we headed for a Wedding Dress fitting. Michael says I'll have to write a post Friday night which shows the wedding dress hunt and fitting. LOL 

Meanwhile, the men picked up decorations and took them to the church. Michael worked on the wedding ceremony.

We dropped a few essentials at the church.  

The rainy day called for warm drinks
Refreshment Break
 We went to the printers and printed out some fun touches for the wedding and reception.

We dropped off dresses at the dry cleaners. 

We headed to the Beauty College at 2:30 p.m.  I couldn't believe we'd be there as many hours as were scheduled...but we were! 

Pedicures - glad to have - miss the Japanese pedis!

Manicures - gel polish 

Krista came directly from work and arrived at 3:30....she went directly from here back to work for a school program - but they got it done. 

Krista, the girls and I left at 5:45 to get back to the school she works at by 6:00 p.m. She is an aide to a sweet gal. We were able to meet her family, talk with teachers who love Krista, and watch the Fifth grade music program. It was GREAT - all the songs were patriotic....and they recited the pledge, the preamble of the Constitution, parts of the Declaration of Independence....a tour through the history of America. We were surprised at the references to God sprinkled throughout the program. The teacher is not a Christian but stated it IS American history and there you have it.  BreAnne was getting a hair cut and left later than us but she made it as well.

After the program BreAnne headed for the apartment and the rest of us went to dinner. Zander has been trying to win something from these machines and tonight he won this little "thing" for Stacia. Both are thrilled.

We arrived back home at 9:30 p.m. We visited with Drew a bit and watched some Olympics. Michael continued to fine tune the wedding outline....

Arielle played with my hair...and then we played with hers. It became apparent I was too nice as my spirals kept falling out...Krista took over.....

Mom G arrived this afternoon/evening. We weren't able to see her but are happy to know she is here. 

The Texan Gherkins left early to drive to Dallas so they would arrive before the temps dropped to freezing. They fly out early tomorrow a.m. and will arrive here tomorrow afternoon.

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

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