Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Weekend to Remember

Friday found me scurrying around, loading the car, decorating for Fall Rally and well - there simply isn't a reason to list all the snafus that eventually resulted in a great event. LOL  I spoke a bit on our local year's theme "Be Imitators,"  "Therefore Be Imitators of God as beloved children. Eph 5:1"  The remaining four sessions were Beth Moore via DVD. I believe we heard a sustaining word - a word that will continue to grow and bear fruit in our lives.

Saturday we were back at the chapel by 0715 to set up and be ready for the women by breakfast time. It was a great time.

I enjoyed working well with a new team. I enjoyed hearing women share how God had met them where they needed to meet him.

The chocolate fountain did not work. User Error - I didn't check the auger....BUT we handed out spoons, plates, and put a mess of chocolate on plates with the dippers. LOL Chocolate fondue - a pretty good idea Katie and I had. LOL
Katie and Rachel

S'more Bar worked....
At 1500 I saw the G team walking in the chapel....Michael and the Gherkins!  They loaded things into the van to take to Far West. The kids went with Stephanie to play with her kids - we had a party to attend that evening.  Michael vacuumed and we mopped... then we unloaded things at Far West and headed to Father Lowe's for dinner. It was nice to just relax after the busy weekend.

Sunday was church. Always a joy to gather with God's family. I made copies for Wednesday morning's study kick off.   I think I took a long nap Sunday afternoon.

Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

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