Monday, December 15, 2014

2014 Chapel Staff Christmas Party

Yes, Monday was an awesome day.  However, the day was capped off with the 2014 Chapel Staff Christmas Party.  Ed, a friend of Father L's, always has a huge spread of food out....and Father's home is  the most festive I've seen in a long time. 

More than the food and the decorations, however, it's the warm and welcoming spirits which gathered and made this evening one of my all-time favorite staff parties.  I've posted lots of photos on the chapel's facebook are a few of the more family oriented ones.
Nolan and Zander think about getting into the spirit
Stephanie and her "ugly" sweater - which I'm not convinced is ugly....and Elise (I believe)
 Serving with these ladies is a special blessing indeed
Me, Jaimie (Cath RE), Cynthia (Prot RE/Parish Coordinator) Paulette (Cath Coordinator)

Stacia said, "Father L needs to gain some weight before being Santa next year."  LOL  Here is Father Santa with Elf 1 - Ch. T and Elf 2 - Ch. C

They even talked Zander into grabbing a gift
Why hello Sweetie (Clara, I believe) we are going to miss these two!
I exchanged some bubbles for the tea set with Megan
Nolan and Daniel
 One of the fun points of the night was the "mystery gift"  exchange - complete with steals and such.

Nolan traded this salmon with Joe for an equally impressive box of Belgian chocolates (which  no one has seen since we entered our home.)
Stacia was able to keep this ceramic nutcracker. This makes her happy.
Michael had some wifi headphones but Zander stole them (3rd steal - Score they came home - but again he's the only one benefitting from them) and Michael eventually ended up with a new air popper.
This gal stole some binoculars - which I stole on the third time and brought home.

The funniest gift of the night may have been this one. Paulette eats very healthy works at a health food store.....she was happy when one of the kids stole these from her, I think. 
Daniel and his Almond Rocca

Arielle refused to play in the dirty santa shenanigans. She brought home nothing.

Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

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