Monday, December 22, 2014

Invasion of 2014

Well......the title of the post comes from an incident below, but this photo serves to share we are eagerly anticipating and preparing for the arrival of family. Krista will arrive tomorrow. BreZaak and my parents on the evening of the 25th. Michael told the boys to switch out water in the hot tub. LOL  Yes, we are awaiting the invasion of the family.....

We were NOT anticipating, nor are we eager for the INVASION OF THE ANTS. These little pests are HUGE pests around here when it begins to rain. We've had them coming in the patio door and making a trail to Yuuki's food in winters past....  There are thousands of them who are making their home in the Far West Library. This is disgusting and the base etymologists say there is nothing they can do at this time of the year.  I was happy that they had NOT made any appearance at our home. I kept checking the patio....but we found THIS today.....All over our pantry. The kids entered the pantry, threw out packages they'd breached and cleaned. We sprayed. We put out traps....and all the food sits in the middle of the kitchen while we prepare for family. ::snort::

We didn't see any more last night. (Monday night) We put out traps....and this morning.....this is just one trap. FULL. I am trying to find the little strips which others have told me work well. These liquid traps are all Walmart had.  I'm going to have to go buy more spray and traps.....because this does not look like a pantry ready for more food.
We booked flights for Michael to fly to Colorado for Mike the Elder's Vigil, Funeral and graveside services.

Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

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