Monday, February 16, 2015

A Gorgeous Day

Arielle has informed us that some moments are "Magical Musical Moments." She stands by this. I remain convinced that 0200 is NOT the time for Magical Musical Moments. Stacia has been TELLING us she can't sleep because Arielle keeps her awake talking and singing all night. We THOUGHT she was given to exaggeration. It is now apparent that Arielle sings all night long some nights.....and this makes the idea of her not living in the trailer with us much easier to adjust to. ::snort::

Today was another unseasonably WARM day in Crescent City - 70's in February. Once everyone had cycled through the showers we headed across the street to Hiouchi Cafe. This is an OLD 1940's cabin turned bar, turned restaurant. In it's day it was quite the place. Michael's Grandpa Jack served drinks at the bar and his Grannie Annie was known to play the piano here in the 1940's. In the over 30 years I've been coming here - and all of Michael's life - we've never eaten here. I suppose it's too close to home to mess with eating out. LOL  With Mom G's tales ringing in our ears, it was fun to stop in for breakfast this morning. I  may pack less breakfast items in the future.

Krista left to drive back to Oregon. 

First of the year in Mom G's yard

 We spent another day visiting with Mom G, doing a few jobs she'd saved for us and enjoying playing BY (not in) the river.

Standing in the front yard looking upriver
 We hadn't done anything for our anniversary and so we settled the kids at the trailer with meatballs and pasta and headed for Crescent City and dinner at the Good Harvest Café. We got a good laugh out of the waitress looking at us and saying, "You'd like to be upstairs, I assume." Turns out upstairs has great view of the harbor - but is also the bar area.

We enjoyed our dinner and watched the sun set over the harbor.  Of course we HAD to take some time and walk along the docks and harbor....enjoyed Battery Point Lighthouse from this view and talked.....favorite memories of 31 day, cabin in the woods in AK, Winter sleigh ride in AK....good times.

Rebuilt in 2011 after the Japan Tsunami washed ashore here in Michael's home

What about this couple says, "Seat them in the bar?" Michael insists it has to be my sweatshirt - since his was the Elmendorf Gospel Choir Sweatshirt - I suspect he may be correct. 
Still smiling after 31 years

My love, Venus and our Lighthouse

This cracked us up. It was a message on Tsunamis - there have been a couple here of note - but you had to crank the thing up to hear the message.
We stopped by a store on the way back to camp to buy a few snacks for the trip and some snacks to leave with Mom G.  We also filled up with gas.

Michael is over for a last visit and we are buttoning up the trailer......Arielle isn't feel well - full case of flu I think or food poisoning? - praying this drive home ends better than it's beginning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you got to be with Mary and that Krista was able to go down to have fun also. Mikes home place is so awesome. Memories for us also. Love the docks etc. So happy for the 31 good years you two have had. It has also been such a blessing to us. God Bless You and praying your trip back home is safe. l/p mom t,