Saturday, April 25, 2015

Geocache Success

Four  more finds and we hit 100! To think I thought we would reach 100 finds our first year...silliness.

We headed out late this afternoon as we'd accomplished much this a.m. and had our main meal at noon. We FOUND three today......this is what it looks like when everyone else has found it and you are still looking......We'll go back in a few months and pick blackberries  for a cobbler or smoothie when we're living in the trailer.

"Someone" has a short attention span - note I did not drop the camera when the bee flew into the shot
We failed to find this one again - but at least it wasn't raining.  I enjoyed the wildflowers.

Another find....this one resulted in many thorns in various clothes and many drops of blood.....and someone ended up with lots of thorns inside her pants - inner wasn't quite as dramatic as the bee incident....but when I turned to unzip and release some thorns someone #2 made a comment about "Now, it's a complete geocaching trip."
Doesn't this just SCREAM geocache?
But there wasn't......
After all that and a 20 min walk I STILL need 1400 steps....hitting the elliptical. 

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