Saturday, June 13, 2015

Friends, Family and Joy

The past few days have been FANTASTIC......Visiting with Don and Beth is always refreshing....and this time was no different.  Friendships maintained and matured over decades can be rare. Spending Don's birthday with him  added to the fun. Don was gracious enough to talk tech things with us (teaches Cyber Security at their hometown university - we do not have a secure system)....Back in college -30 years ago give or take -  Don was the Dorm Pastor who attempted to keep us all in line. Now we try to keep him in line. ::wink::
The Donald and Michael

Beth and I
There's a bird on your shoulder
 We were happy to host Joy Thursday night and Friday. Matt, Rachel and the boys were moving to a new home. Kudos to Nolan and Zander for helping them with the loading and unloading. When I was saying I can't imagine moving 3 weeks before my due date, Michael pointed out we did just that from AK to TX....but we weren't moving our THINGS in 107* weather!!!!!

The mission team Krista and Arielle are going to Mexico with arrived last night. It was a full house for dinner and a birthday cupcake for Don....Katie will be the girls' roommate starting in July.

Krista - fearless trip leader

Obviously Beth is the only "sane" one in this photo. LOL
Good friends, family, and time with Joy - days don't get much better than this! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI: HOW PERFECT! Don/Beth look so good. love them too. We will be looking forward to hearing how the trip to Mexico went when they all get back.

love/prayers mom t.