When a military child turns ten, they are required to have an id. They will carry this with them, ready to display it at all times, until they are twenty-three. Stacia has dreamed of having her own id. She's had an "imaginary id" since she was 3 1/2. She passed it up faithfully with all the other ids. She's practiced signing her name for four years.
She turned ten yesterday. Today, she signed for her military id - such serious business.
"Sisters" necklace - which she got on her birthday |
She fit her WHOLE name Anastacia G in the little space.
Stacia is blossoming before our eyes....we look forward to seeing the woman of God she will become. She's grown a lot this year. She's learning to curb "princess chatterbox" when appropriate. ::wink:: She's a big help to us and her brothers.
I don't know when I started calling Arielle "Baby Girl," but Stacia truly is my baby girl...and our plan is to totally enjoy the next 8 - 10 years we have with her before she flies the nest.
Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!
BTW, I renewed my id today and was THRILLED to get rid of the terrible photo from Misawa which made me look like a bearded lady. LOL
I could see Mike when she cut her eyes to the camera. She's precious. And I'm right there with you on being determined to enjoy the next 8+ years that I still have younger ones at home. We only have five, but one is married (8/8/15) and two are at the same college now. We have as little as three years left with the fourth one and eight with the last one. It does go by so quickly. Happy belated birthday and ID day to Stacia!
Melanie McBride
It goes quickly.
three awesome kids left at home. Stacia is going to be so full of excitement. would love to be with you all at this time. hang on boys....... you three are going to be such a delight to your parents. l/p 2G's T
Yup, that is truly a milestone. Happy birthday to Stacia!
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