Monday, February 11, 2019

Holy Blog Catch Up Batman

WHUT'S Up?????

I committed to keep the blog current. I didn't blog each day last week.  I have to blog when I have the time. I had pity. There are three posts "saved" and I'll post them when there isn't such a lot to slog through your news feeds.

If I committed to blogging daily - why haven't I?

A new Bible Study started this week and my time in the Word is taking significantly longer than it did when we were going through Jonah.  I usually blog after my quiet time, before breakfast.

The kids and I have started a new Health Initiative. It takes time.  I am now working out, rather than blogging or reading facebook etc.  I'm not sure anyone has noticed I've not been reading feeds for the past few weeks.  I've lost 5 lbs in the past 3 weeks. I think I'll hit 10 lbs by Easter.

And so.....I'm catching time to blog, where it falls.

Sorry for the glut on the "market."

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