Thursday, July 30, 2020

July Snippets

 One Sunday afternoon Stacia had made this cookie and she and Liv decorated it! Stacia, and the rest of us, enjoy getting to know Oliva and her mom, Carrie. 

Arielle and Benny at the Vintage Fair. We cracked up at the way Benny is wearing his glasses. 

Dad enjoyed getting out and helping this summer. He helped build garden beds, liked to sit out and watch the garden, he helped sift rocks...2 years later in 2022 we miss this. 

LOOK! We grew one! 

The moose are visiting again. 

This day I was waiting while Dad was supposed to have a procedure done to open his heart up a bit. They stopped the procedure. 

I was out walking the next day when I got a call from a heart surgeon in Anchorage. I didn't even know we'd been referred yet. It appears dad heart is bad enough they wanted him to see a surgeon rather than the angioplasty....they called to say he has less than 3 months to live (by predictions) and to schedule a consult. 

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