Monday, February 15, 2021

Visitors from "Afar"

I don't think it will ever get old living close enough for adult children to drop by. Josiah, Carrie and Livie had a birthday party in the valley this afternoon. They came by early and spent a few hours with us. 

This is proof that Millie is calming down....she and Livie snuggled without bites, jumps, or barking. 

I baked some unicorn cookies (Bella's honor), we sat around the table and visited - until the table became a play station. The original kind. 

We also discussed Fish Camp 2021. I confirmed, despite everyone's memory that I HAD made reservations, I had not. I have hesitated to make reservations as I'm not sure how to pull this year's details into the plan...but I am going to make the plans "by faith," and  continue to try to find respite care for those 5 days for Dad. It's still 5 months away...surely.  As we talked it became apparent we don't NEED 5 days of fish camp....we could make our limit much quicker...but everyone loves the family connection, camping aspect as much as the work/fishing days it is....and I will figure out the details. LOL 

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