Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Simple "Summer" Pleasures


First peach of the season! Gotta love summer.
Taken tomorrow morning @ breakfast

I thought it might be a bit too early for peaches. The first order they didn't come in. This time I ordered a 1/4 case of peaches and a 1/4 case of nectarines....hoping....but not wanting to commit to a 1/2 case. The nectarines didn't come in, but the peaches were good!  The first peach signals summer is here....though we won't count it until Memorial Day. Peaches, cherries and nectarines are some of the simple pleasures of summer to which we look forward. 

Today was co-op day. Three pallets of fresh, organic produce directly from Organically Grown Company in Eugene, OR, along with another pallet or two from Azure and Frontier. It was a big order and took longer than usual...but it was worth the wait when dinner looked like THIS. Huge thanks to Stacia - the chef of dinner's Salmon dish, and Allie - sous-chef extraordinaire.  To spread the cheer we made a couple of quick boxes for BreZaak and CoRielle and delivered them.   Everyone loves co-op day! 

blueberries, watermelon, asparagus, raspberries, 
strawberries, cherries, oranges, bananas, apples
 and, oh yeah - Salmon Wellington


Cory gave us two bags of raspberry starts/canes/ whatever they are called. We are going to try to get that patch started again....maybe we'll put an electric fence around the patch this time. Those moose. 

BTW temps in the high 60's - even reaching a bit into the low 70's....maybe it will be a HOT summer this year. 

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