Thursday, December 08, 2022

Hungry Hippos!

 I got up at 5:30 to get it all done but! LOL 

I was on the treadmill at 6 a.m. AND no one called for me.  I haven't done it FIRST before as I like to spend time alone FIRST...with Jesus...but I am so grumpy about not working out that it seemed I should try something new. I have also worried it would wake up those who work late...but no one seemed overly bothered. We will see. I started Monkey Bread before anyone woke up. I got Dad up and through shower and breakfast. I made a business call on Dad's behalf. I dug out the van and was at BreZaak's by 10:00 so they could go to the doctor. 

The kids and I played games today...our favorite is Hungry Hippo. 

I came home prepared to bake monkey bread and quiche for life group tonight.  Alas, the plaque (AKA the flu) which had been confined to one side of the girls' room has spread to the other side, up the stairs, and throughout the house. I am fine. Others are dropping like flies. I continue to drink my hippie teas and take C, D and Zinc.  I wish this meant I didn't catch any bugs; it seems this means I catch it last. 

Michael really did NOT want to go to Life Group - and he leads it. I hadn't gotten the text from him when I was at BreZaak's alerting me to the fact that he was sick. I was quite a bit surprised when he said he didn't want to go. I called Cecelia, whose house we meet in, and she sounded bad too. We called it.  We stayed home and watched another sappy Christmas movie - The Cookie Cutter Christmas, I think. LOL 

I put in a click list order and will pick it and a couple of packages up tomorrow. Other than that - I think we'll just hang around home, watch sappy movies, and eat soup, monkey bread and popovers.  Since the plaque hit, I will not be "helping" Bre tomorrow with the kids. 

The girls and I have a big trip planned to start Monday...I'm worried we may need to cancel all the reservations if we aren't all better by Saturday. I have a sinking feeling their temps will be normal and I will start coming down with it Saturday. I'm praying it becomes really obvious if we need to cancel. 

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