I puttered around all day...I have a baby tomato out in the greenhouse, the young chicks keep going in with the big girls - and it's not a happy place. This means I run outside at random times throughout the day to rescue hens which don't realize they need rescuing. That'll preach. I simmered chicken broth (and faked out all in the family who thought I was cooking something wonderful), I cleaned...just putzed around.
Stacia ran up to the Butte with Jenni and Millie. Millie enjoyed getting out.
Women's Bible study, Life Group and Men's Ministry are taking the month of July off (maybe into mid- August). HOWEVER, youth group is still meeting. Several of our youth moms drive quite a distance (which is why we moved Ladies study to Wed nights) and we decided we wanted to hang out anyway. I don't have one photo! I don't know how those famous you tube channel creators run around with a huge video camera and mic on their shoulder out in public. LOL
Imagine a corner booth in a 24-hour local diner (the only one in our town) four of us laughing and connecting. Two mid 30-year-olds (Melany and Krista), a late 50-year-old (me, I can say that for another year) and Joann - well I wouldn't hazard a guess but she's the wisdom in our midst. It was a sweet time. The highlight of my day. I've been praying for "all the ages." Friends a bit older than me and friends younger than me....and it's happening! Michael (and I) always says everyone needs a Paul to be investing in them and a Timothy to invest in....and it's a happy place to see this type of community growing here...it just took longer in civilian soil than it does in missionary or military soil. LOL
My "love tank is full" as Twyla, a friend from our time in Japan, used to say. I spent hours with Jenni on Monday, family on Tuesday and these gals on Wednesday...Lindsey mentioned the girl tribe before she moved. I've been thinking about the phrase. I love the #girltribe God is building as we linger in Alaska. No, I have not felt the urge to move yet. ::snort::
Bre sent these photos of milestones in their home! Today's photos happen to be all girls - in keeping with the #girltribe theme. Bella has been sending us updates on this tooth for some time now. It's out! Isn't this a sweet 7-year-old smile?
Trudy, 7 1/2 months old, started eating "solids" today. Lady thinks maybe she'd like to share. LOL
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