Wednesday, December 06, 2023


1. A refreshing lunch with Sheri and Joann. 

2. We got 3 boxes of puzzles from Laura! Wow. Our winter hours are filled. LOL  The package also contained an encouraging note, some lovely ornaments and a CD of music. 
He's already picked one out to begin...

3. Jamin has been visiting in TX. Its' been fun to receive photos. Today he met SJ (Stephen Josiah) in person. How sweet it is to know Josiah's legacy will live on in his friend's son's name! 

Stephen, Kathleen and SJ - photo from Jamin 

4. Carrie and Livie are reading a chapter of Luke each evening. Fun to do it "together" apart.

Livie - Photo by Carrie 

5. I slept a bit this afternoon. I needed it. 

6. Jamin is coming home soon....

Jamin and SJ - photo from Jamin 

7. Grandchildren are simply the best. This little smile never fails to cheer me up. 
Noah - photo by Larissa 

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