Thursday, April 04, 2024

Fun Visits

I am happy to report I got a workout in today. The girls left at 0730 for college so I didn't have to worry about waking them up.  GG doesn't get up quite that early. Maybe this is the key to getting a workout in. I switched my Jesus time with the treadmill and got it all in. 

Stacia and I headed to the cafe for our "lunch/brunch study" after her morning class. 

I invited Carrie and the girls to come spend the afternoon with us...and stay for dinner. Jenni came over after work. It was a good time for Jenni and Carrie to get to know each other in a more intimate setting than a Family Gathering. Evelyn, a friend from our time in Hardin, MT sent this darling sweater for Josi. Josiah was 2 when we moved to Hardin and 8 when we entered the Air Force. 

Josi Faith - 3 days before her 2-months-old

Livie and Stacia made pirouette cookies.
Yep - splat, bake and roll...

We all played with Josi and commiserated with her over her 2-month vaccinations. 
Josi and Allie

Papa has the touch! 

After dinner the girls played a game of Taco, Goat, Pizza, Cheese (or some combination of said words). Carrie fed Josi and they headed up the highway. It was a great visit in the middle of the week. 

Liv, Allie, Jenni, Stacia

We settled down to knitting and watching an episode of "All Creatures Great and Small" with Jenni. I'm glad we are doing this series once a week....this is an aspect of our childhood the girls wouldn't fully experience in the time of binge watching. 

It was snowing this morning and has continued off and on all day. Yep. April 4th. This is our garden plot...we are a long way off from planting...I should start some seeds, but I have such a hard time getting motivated when winter seems to refuse to let up. The phone has a hard time capturing the snow....big, fluffy, lazily drifting flakes. They are beautiful. 

It is UNREAL that it was still light outside at 8:30 p.m. The snow began to fall at a much quicker pace...Michael says 2 inches are predicted overnight. I hope it's just 2 inches and not another 10 or 12 inches.  Jenni checked the lows next week are like 11 and 16. WHATEVER. 

Our living room transforms into a snow globe

1. An afternoon/dinner with Carrie and the girls, as well as dinner and an episode with Jenni. 

2. A heart-to-heart conversation with both of our college gals! 

3. Laughter.

4. The Bible - oh, what a lifeline the Word of God has been. 

5. Magical snow - once again I'm not ready for the season to change. 

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