Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Allie's Next Steps

We've kept Allie's college plans fairly quiet.  This allowed time for her to sit with the plan and be comfortable with it before it was voiced far and wide. Some are sure to have picked up on the fact she is no longer at the local Bible College and is taking online courses.  This allows her to work full-time and save up for the next stage of her college career. (Our commitment to Allie's future remains the same but this program has outstripped our fixed income!) LOL She is also taking every online course she can for her prerequisites to burst through the continuance gate and be able to apply to a specific cohort. This, and living at home, is keeping the cost of her degree down.

Over the course of this semester, it has become apparent she will need 3 cinematic courses she cannot take online. We thought about her taking a semester at the end Allie was worried her credits wouldn't be accepted (they DID make her retake a Bible survey class as it wasn't THEIR Bible survey class so there is merit to this concern). 

And so, Allie applied to be a residential student at Liberty University. The goal is for her to take a semester in Virginia, get those pesky cinematic courses completed and be onsite to burst through the continuance gate and apply to the cohort of her dreams. She will then come home for the spring and summer and return after being accepted to start the 2-year cohort - the plan is the fall of 26. 

We were thrilled when this announcement came today.  Allie has prayed and researched various programs. Liberty has an excellent program and once accepted into the cohort she will be working on real-life projects and networking within the she pursues a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film Production & Creative Development Storytelling (with an emphasis on screenwriting and directing). 

Anyone who knows Allie will see how this integrates her passions for writing and film and simply FITS with her creative personality and her desire to be a voice to her generation. We are proud of her! We do not feel any of her college steps have been wasted or "mis-stepped." Her first year of online transfers completely. Her second year at Alaska Bible College gave her the confidence she can handle residential college work, allowed her to make some dear friends, earned some transferrable credits, did some hard work in therapy, and she was here when the unthinkable occurred last October. This year is full. Next year will be light and then she'll be fully ready to chase her dream! 

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