Saturday, December 14, 2024


I thought my knee felt well enough to run errands. My first stop was counseling. I discovered driving results in pain. I never realized how much knee motion was required to drive. 

I ended up running one errand and leaving the rest. It was a good thing I went home.

Bre and the kids dropped by, can you see what they brought me? A GRINCH nutcracker! I have started picking one up if it signifies something of our year. The year Krista went active duty I found a female in BDUs, one year a gal skiing for Stacia's adventures, one with gingerbread...I love this one. BTW the grinch responded well to love, kindness, community...its not really a story mainly about stealing and hating Christmas.

 Arielle and Benny dropped by so Arielle could help Stacia style her hair. 

Benny went through some training with Millie. It was cute to watch.

In keeping with my enforced resting regime I read another book and Michael made breakfast for dinner.

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