Monday, December 09, 2024

GREEN December?

 Ah man - it's WARM up here. It's been in the mid 40's. I've not seen this before up here in DECEMBER, but I'm sure old-timers have! LOL  Last year we had 3 or 4 feet of snow on the ground by this time. This year? We had a respectable amount of snow but we've had over a week of temps in the high 30's and 40's....

We need a bit more snow in November to make the sledding run...and I'm glad we didn't because it would be melted by now anyway. Look at this. 

The chickens are enjoying the warmer weather. Several of them started molting late and the warm weather is nicer. No frostbite in sight. 

Michael has been able to finish the bottom steps on the new deck with the warm weather. I think he may put up a temp fence for Millie. The quick electric fence I envisioned morphed into a huge fence around the property and several extensions so that will happen in spring. LOL 

I am starting to fear we will have a muddy Christmas rather than a white one....c'mon snow. 

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