Monday, March 06, 2006

MONDAY – Further Update

At the doctor office:

Tech - thrusts ear thing in Stacia’s ear - reads 96* "oh, she doesn't have a fever". She was feverish and still was. (She WAS - 101* when I got home)… obviously the thing was too big for her ear....

Enter Doc - "you're an old hand at this" (great female-mother-doctor who LIKES healthy food and raw milk) "What do you think is wrong?"

Me - ears - maybe virus but I don't want to spend another screaming night without knowing what we’re dealing with.

Doc - which ear is she tugging?

Me – right.

Doc - right is fine, let's see left

Doc - terrible infection

Me - dyslexic?

Doc - Why haven't you been yelling that you can't get an appt to bring her in for well baby? (She’s not had her 4 month check and is now 6 ½ months).

Me - I've called since November and can't get in....brought her for some delayed shots figured she was doing fine..growing, developing on schedule...

Doc - I love experienced moms but you are TOO NICE with TRICARE - yell at them next time...

She handed me an appt for 2 weeks for well baby and they'll recheck ears....and Tri-care told me this a.m. there were no appts left in march.

Got home - dealing with meds and young pound "officer" shows up - my dog is out...when they chased her she ran right to my driveway and stopped and sat....:::Snort::: must teach her to run to the neighbors...right after I get the phonics digraphs taught to Nolan....

That’s about the way the whole day went…I’ll spare you any more details.

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