Some articles for your reading enjoyment if you so desire. {g}
Interesting article that reaches the same conclusions I’ve reached in the past 6 months of eating whole foods. I can feed my family organic, whole foods for the same amount I was spending on SAD (Standard American Diet). The author compares shopping lists, prices etc.
This article from the same author shows How to Cook Whole Foods from Scratch and Keep Your Day Job. This has been a concern of mine as we’ve transitioned to a new eating style. I am always looking for short cuts to save time. The basic premis here is one I’m very familiar with “cook big/freeze small”. {G}
Note that I don’t buy all of Dr. Mercola’s advice….I’m not into the metabolic type school of thought and I also don’t believe that whole grain bread made from freshly milled organic grains is going to harm my family. I am, however, having fun searching for new tips…..and I still evaluate every purchase by the three principles in What the Bible Says about Healthy Living: eat foods God created for food, eat foods in as close to natural state as possible, make no food an idol.
FYI – I am very conscious of not making eating styles, homeschooling, parenting methods or cloth diapers my “single issue” (as discussed earlier). I don’t volunteer info unless asked in real life…but I figure if you choose to read this blog it is because you want to know what I think and what I’m doing. LOL
I couldn't get the first article to work, could you send me the link? At our house we haven't been able to keep the costs of healthier as low as we were when we were only half healthy shoppers, LOL. Probably we're still opting for too much "healthy junk" but I would like to read the article. We really need to work on this area of our budget with a vengance. LOL
First link is now fixed....and I'll send it to Jodi.
Ah - watch out of the "wholesome junk food" I'm telling you it will eat your budget alive.
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