We began the day by heading to the park. Today was the first meeting for planning graduation. Yikes – hard to believe that number 3 will be graduating this year. We’ll have a 1/3 of our children through high school. The younger kids got to play with their friends and the meeting seemed to be productive.
I came home from the park, got lunch, ordered food for Sunday’s chapel potluck, picked up Jamin from his job and then headed to the pool.
We spent several hours at the pool and came home about 4:30. Jamin had made dinner. Now THAT is how I need to handle this. He made it all from scratch (including grinding the flour) and has two chicken pot pies, a huge salad and watermelon. I can’t wait. He also did a lawn while we were swimming.
I’ve been burning CD’s all day….trying to back up all our photos…then I guess my journal and some women’s ministry files…maybe my teaching notes from past workshops and retreats…..then if the computer dies…I can live.
Due to the fire safety things that we’ve been hearing I think we need to buy a fire proof box to keep the CDs of photos in…that way no one needs to run in for the photos…though the scrapbooks…ARGH….what do you all think you’d do with scrapbooks? I could NEVER carry them all out in a fire…and frankly getting all the children out would certainly be the first priority. I’ve learned that there are so many toxic things in our homes these days that toxic gasses are a real problem and you should GET OUT and not worry about taking things or calling 911 from inside the home…..so do you all keep your fancy scrapbooks in a fireproof box…or next to an escape route????
How about a very large fire proof box for the scrapbooks, unless you have so many that this isn't practical or affordable. Or store them right near the door...well if you have to exit another way that's no good. I don't have mine in a good place but I do keep a lot of photos stored at snapfish. I guess if all was lost I'd simply print out my blog and call it a scrapbook. LOL
We have a fire safe box because Ian grew up in the desert where there were always fires. I've been told lots of stuff (like photos or media) melt in the box. They won't burn, but they can't withstand the high temps. I still can't figure out the point.
Yeah - I don't know what I'd do. I have far to many photo albums and scrapbooks to take them with me....but now that I'm about to have all the digital on CD's....I can print and scrapbook and go rent a safe deposit box at a bank for the CD's and the will. LOL
Ah the will - all updated as of this week.
Becky - praying for you - getting closer and closer to so many big dates for you!
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