The other night I mentioned the girls' passions and didn't choose my words carefully. See what happens when I compose at blogger and don't spell check or grammar check????
Bre's passion is NOT to hurt people. ::::snort::: She has a passion to see hurting people healed and to see authentic and vital revival/worship in the church. After her second year at Master's Commission she is thinking of studying for a Bachelor of Social Work to be able to help some of life's most hurting (children).
Krista's passion is not for airmen per se ::::snort::: :::hiccup::: but to see godly ministers and ministries impacting the lives of airmen so that they become a mobile force of missionaries reaching throughout the world with the love of Christ. Krista is still praying about where she goes after 2nd year Master's Commission. Her plan is to pursue being an Air Force chaplain - but she is very open to "marrying in" (I've not found any suitable single AF chaplains to date) or to being involved in some of the parachurch ministries that routinely minister in the military setting ie MCYM (Miliatary Christian Youth Ministries - I think), Navigators.....
My passion is to raise children who have a wholehearted love for God and to mentor women into having a wholehearted love of God....but then that's in my profile.
Josiah is passionate about finishing high schoool, Jamin is passionate about weights, writing, nutrition and missions, Jared is passionate about "the Academy", reading and writing, Arielle is passionate about avoiding teasing by her brothers, and Nolan is passionate about playing. Zander has a passion for dinosaurs and Stacia is very passionate about unplugging computer modems and Brown Cow Yogurt.
I think that covers it. Hmm....Mike would have to tell you his passion in his own words. I suspect a combination of Krista and my wordings.
Back to regular programming.
OK - clarification to the clarification - *I* am not looking for an Air Force chaplain to date...... are too funny! I think you already found one *g*.
BTW, I love Zander's buzz cut. Doug took my kids to get their hair cut today. Jordan...well, boys are just different LOL. Isaac did get a trim, but all that mop hair is still there. I don't know if I'd recognize him without it. I still have Allen with the regular "boy cut" style :)
I did post pictures!
I got a good chuckle out of Jordan's pictures...mohawks can make a statement. LOL
You're funny. I think we all know you *well enough* to know what you meant by it, LOL.
I love how "in tune" you are to every member of your family. Got me thinking about what my *passion* in life is as well as each my children's. I'll have to ask my hubby to see if his is still the same. Maybe I'll post them in my blog in a day or two...
Jen in Az.
LOL Nate - can you believe I said her passion was hurting people???? She is the one that hates to kill a fly or spider. LOL
Love you baby brother....
It is so wonderful that you are so intune with your family. I'm not even sure what my passion is, let alone anyone elses. I think this is something I need to work on!
I did an easy 6 week study with our ladies group a few years back that helped me in this aspect. It was called "Six steps to clarifying your Calling" by Carol Kent. By the end of the book most of us had been able to determine our passions and "callings". That has greatly helped me in saying no to things that simply aren't "me".
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