I had a lot of time to think on our road trip. I realized something…scrapbooking is seriously hindering our enjoyment of photo albums. Why? BECAUSE I’VE GOT PHOTOS ORGANIZED IN FILES, WAITING FOR ME TO FIND THE TIME TO MAKE CUTESY, CRAFTSY, EMBELLISHED PAGES!!!! We used to spend hours sitting around looking at our photo albums…reminiscing about past vacations, homes etc. I miss that. I realize this is heresy to many who will read this….but I’m wondering….could this “hobby” be distracting from my goal of recording memories????? Will I EVER find time to get the photos into albums????
I have been thinking that maybe I need to take the photos and simply stick them on a page with some captions – in other words treat the silly album like it was well – an album and not a work of art!!! THEN we’d have some photos to sit around and enjoy once more.
This came home to me even MORE when Bre pulled out a thick album of her Master’s friends and trips. Good HEAVENS there were pictures of New York City, Boston, friends, Camps (that happened less than 3 weeks ago), ….all in an album for her to thumb through when she is lonely, to show us as she tells us about her year away from home….They are in little sleeves…and she has room to write about them on the side….my pictures would either be in little Creative Memory folders or most likely still on the COMPUTER!!!!
When did my hobby rob my family of one of our greatest family past times??? Is this right? I’ve seriously begun thinking I should get back to making PHOTO albums instead of SCRAPBOOKS! If I did – I could probably get all the 21 albums of photos in magnetic albums into safe albums within the decade. I maybe could scrap a single lay out from Alaska…..maybe.
Am I the only one to have such thoughts? Do I need intervention? Did I spend to many hours looking at passing cows and haystacks????
Did you know that creative memories has a new slip in album that has layouts on each page for so many pictures and 1 journalling box or mounted photo? It's really nice looking, but I don't know how much it costs.
I forgot to mention that I WAS a Creative Memory consultant and have oodles of supplies....ugh. I don't know what I'm going to do...but I don't think this hobby is getting me anywhere.
I didn't know they had this new album - or I'd forgotten I'll have to check into it. Thanks for the tip.
Are you having contractions - is that why you're reading blogs at this time???? hoping... LOL Want to shoot me????
I'm making Tim's heritage album in one of the new Picfolio Albums. So far so good. It is definitely FAST! All of the spots for photos are the same size and you can either put a photo in there or a journal box or you can do a little decorative card if you want some sort of cutsey thing on the page. At the bottom there are 2 very narrow spots for recording something simple like a date or location. I personally think these would be too expensive to do a lifetime of albums and you can't add to them. They come bound with a set # of pages.
FWIW, I changed my focus this year to storybooking.. telling the stories and adding a photo or two to the page using some colored paper - not just a solid color a decorative fun color page - which fulfills my "need" (LOL) to have some color and variety on the page, but the pictures are there and the story is told. The assembly is going much faster now, but the writing is SO SLOW (LOL). Of course you already know that it takes me awhile to journal anyway so that's nothing new.
I will admit I have never been a scrapbook person.
I use better quality photo albums... I'll have to check the name after we get in our quarters and get unpacked... I buy them online and just slip the photos in... and then try to remember to date and caption them....
with our overseas travelling we would have nothing if I did them as scrapbooks....
I've definetly struggled with this over the years. I've been scrapbooking now for almost eight. I've done it many ways re: photo storage. I'm finally back to "storing" my photos into regular pocket slip-in photo-safe albums. I acutally bought some "2-up" albums at the dollar store that are acid & lignin-free. They have an area beside where the photo slips in where you can write. I'm jotting notes & stuff there. Now I'm not worried about remembering anything if & when I get around to scrapbooking them. :-) I still enjoy scrapbooking, but I need to find ways of just doing it! I'm no longer worrying about chronological order. I'm going super simple. I'm just getting it done. :-) I think whatever works best for YOU is the best thing to do. Just my 2 cents.
Lisa in ME
I no longer believe in contractions or labor. I will be interminably pregnant, and we will never have more than three children. I will always wear very Large maternity clothes, and as Mike said I'll look like Pooh under the umbrella forever.
I read blogs at night because it's quiet. :)
UMMMM...he SAID that to you, Becky? I'm sorry. He teases me a lot when I'm pregnant but it is all in fun....he thinks pregnant is beautiful...which is good since I spend much of my time pregnant....I've had 14 pregnancies in 23 years.
You know - they seem to always eventually come to a wonderful end...praying....
Just to let you know that I have come to the same conclusion. I now have ALL my pictures in albums and have decided that if/when I have the time, I'll scrap the pictures. So far, I don't feel guilty. LOL
Lisa - do you have a sense of relief? I also think the smaller albums are easier for little ones to handle...I'm just not sure! I hate to throw out all my paper and such.....but I don't have any of our AK pictures in's been 4 years since I really worked on albums.
I do. It's available for everyone to look at and IF I ever have time, it's not like I can't just take a few pictures out and scrapbook them. Instead of everyone waiting for me, they are already enjoying the pictures. I am saving my paper and stuff in hopes that maybe someday, I'll have enough margin in my life to do this hobby. If not, then I'll just pass those items down to my kids. I'm just reminded by Kate who once told me that something could be the very best curriculum for your family but if you can't USE it, then maybe you should look for something that you can actually use, even if it's not the very best. This has really freed me.
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