Mike had pity on the girls this a.m. and we didn't get our customary 0430 wake up call. {G} We slept in and left the hotel after taking advantage of the free breakfast. Yeah - "free".
By the afternoon we remembered WHY we like to get an early start even if we don't have far to drive.....Stacia and Zander travel much easier this way.
We arrived in Livingston in time to enjoy an afternoon rain and thunder storm. This hotel had a POOL that worked. We enjoyed that while I washed a few loads of laundry.
THEN we headed over to Marlin and Sharon's house for dinner. My kids were a bit unsure of meeting one of Mom's online friends...but we had a blast! I'm still amazed that anyone in America has a garage empty enough to move picnic tables into for an impromtu meal - we got rained off the deck. Sharon had fixed a wonderful meal - complete with cherry pies made for HER cherry trees. We took great care in showing Zander and Nolan the fruist trees...they were improessed. They enjoyed the trampoline, 4-wheelers, and room to run. I enjoyed meeting Sharon in person and seeing photos of their soon to be new home. Marlin started a great fire - I loved it - felt like camping and we had fun telling stories around the fire. I'm only sorry that we didn't arrive earlier so we could have met Rebecca and Melissa as well. That luandry was crucial - Zander had thrown up in the car on the drive through the mountains from Spokane to Livingston.
The girls are exhauseted and slept a lot today.
1 comment:
We were honored that you took the time to stop and join us for supper. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed your visit and getting to know your family. What a wonderful bunch you are! It was a very fun evening. We're finishing up the last of the cherry pie tonight. :)
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