This was a hard day! We’ve said goodbye before. . Mike has been “deployed” twice: once for the standard AF four months on a peace keeping mission in Hungary and once for a month in Korea. He’s also been gone for 8 – 12 weeks many times in the past 10 years. We’re old pros at this goodbye/hello thing.
This time did seem harder. It could be because I know the girls will be leaving in two weeks. Or it could be because he will be gone for a longer period of time – and dates tend to be open ended during this phase of military history. It could be because the country is at war this time and no place seems to be really “safe” – though we’ve established that a Christian is always safe in the eternal sense. I simply know it was hard to watch him walk through the security check point this time. I suspect watching the reaction of others at the air port had something to do with that. Air Force troops have been coming and going for years with barely any notice. Wow – people notice now. They give big smiles and they cry. Yep….there was an elderly couple standing near us and when I turned around to leave I noted they were crying….really crying. They smiled and gave me thumbs up. Of course there are a lot of us to watch if people watching is your thing. :::snort::: I was so proud of the kids. We talked, we prayed, we hugged. Yes, there were tears in our eyes…but no big break downs. Thanks to all who prayed for us to have another dignified leave taking. I was so grateful to Steve (of the famous Steve and Debby duo) for coming to the airport at 5 a.m. He visited with us…he left us alone…. and when I walked away from the security check…feeling pretty alone…. he was still at the back door. He told me everything is going to be alright. He is right. I truly am thankful for good friends. One of our commanders and a couple of chaplains dropped by to say goodbye to Mike as well.
It was hard. Yet I’m so very proud of my husband. I’m proud of him for wanting to deploy. Most chaplains I know came into the military to be with the troops in times like these and so I’m proud that my husband was willing to go and in fact welcomed the chance to go. It is a time that is RICH in ministry. As we watched Mike go through security, Zander asked “Are you going to leave too, Mom?” I know for certain that I made the right choice not to attend the National PWOC Fall Focus this year. The little ones simply can’t understand the difference between 3 days, 3 months, 6 months etc.
Back at home we quickly remembered that we have several different coping mechanisms. Some read…some sleep and Jamin and I? We clean. . . and clean….and clean! I don’t think my room has been this clean since we moved here. :::snort:::
We spent the afternoon talking, we watched *The Newsies*, had a great dinner (because Jamin and I cook when stressed too LOL), we went for a walk to visit the neighborhood deer, some of us watched *Through Gates of Splendor* and now all but Bre and Zander are sleeping.
Mike called from Baltimore and those brand new $200 suitcases….that we paid $100 for….one of them already had the handle ripped off and a seam or two tearing. Hmmm….makes me think the $29.99 specials may be the way to go. LOL Mike will continue his trip tomorrow. It was good for all of us to get to talk with him briefly – and I mean briefly. Krista timed us each for a minute. Zander refused to talk. He’s done this all year with the girls too. I’m praying that he’ll talk with Mike the next time he calls. Stacia grabbed the phone and said, “Hi”. Her expression was priceless when the phone answered back! I think that may be the first time. She loves to talk into the phone. She started jabbering back with “dad” in the midst….and then said “byyyee” with a huge big grin.
I’m not sure I’ve mentioned that Stacia has been walking “on the sly” lately. We’ve watched her race around the living room while we are in the dining room or the library. When she sees one of us she plops down and crawls. Today she began walking – even in our presence…everywhere.
We had planned on going to the zoo tomorrow but it seems that several of us have a flu bug. I hadn’t realized how out of touch we were with our “selves”. I knew I had been feeling nauseated and had a head ache. I knew I was hot and sweaty off and on today. It wasn’t until Arielle mentioned that her head really hurt off and on….and later that she felt like throwing up…that I said “hmm….so do I” and then several of the other kids confessed to symptoms for the past couple of days. I guess we’ve all been focused on spending time with Mike and chalking it all up to too much fun. Jamin thought maybe it was the chocolate promotion cake or the mint ice cream I made. I think we’ll spend another day vegging around home…..and begin our playing on Friday or Saturday. We’ll also pray that Mike doesn’t catch this bug at all.
You know – I’m looking forward to the next six months. We always grow so much during these times…as a family, as a couple and as individuals in our walks with God. I had planned to simply put some pictures on the blog…who knows…maybe I’ll go ahead and post all of this….who cares if people think I’m psychotic or neurotic…such is the case of the modern military spouse. LOL It’s hard, it’s good, we’re sad, we’re proud, we’re scared, we’re confident, but most of all we’re human. And I personally am so very thankful that I have a sure God to hold my hand through all the times like these. Ah…I think I’ll just post this without thinking about it further…several of you have emailed to ask how we’re doing…I’ll just post my journal tonight.
Ahhh De'Etta, I'm sending you a big huge ((((hug)))) via computer. No, I don't think you're pshychotic or're human with God-given emotions! He'll help you through this rough time. I hope that time "flies" for you all and that very soon I'll be reading about your glorious reunion with your husband. I'm also praying for the Airmen and Soldiers over there that your husband will have contact with and be able to minister to. May souls be saved and God be glorified!
Jen in Az.
I've been praying for you all yesterday. How yucky to be having the flu, too! I love reading your thoughts and that you always sound hopeful, even when you are sad and hurting.
Mike is TALL! I've not noticed before since he wasn't standing by other people lol. I thought Cy was tall......... Stacia is adorable.
Ok....need to scoot. Doctors all day.....
(((((De'Etta))))) sorry to hear you're all sick in addition to the difficulty of Mike's leave taking. Get well wishes and time passing quickly wishes!
Stacia is so cute and ROFLOL about the mistake smiley. I was wondering "why"?! Thought maybe there was an in real life incident story forth coming.
Praying the time will fly quickly! Thanks for sharing. Nothing neurotic about this post! I admire your strength!
De'Etta, your posts (your serious ones) never fail to bring tears to my eyes. You always uplist, edify and encourage me with our solid words.
You are in my constant prayers for peace, comfort and wonderful growth as you go day by day. I also am praying that Mike's sacrifice away from family will be a growth time for him and a rich harvest for the Lord.
I am very proud of you and your family for being a strong military family and sending your man off with smiles.
Brian goes on short TDYs regularly, but only 1-4 weeks at a time and that is hard enough.
God bless you all!
(((BIG HUGS))) We were praying for and thinking about you all day yesterday. I was looking at your blog to see an update, wondering if you were okay. I am glad to see you are okay, but sad to see the distance that will be in front of you. I don't know where Mike will be, but maybe he will encounter my cousin?!? He is part of the 172nd in Bagdhad. Last name Sabo, first Steven. Keep us posted on how you are feeling and try and get some much needed rest and recoup. You are always the one to uplift us, and I am glad we are able to be here to help uplift you and your family.
Lots of prayers, love and support
Beth in GA
De'Etta, you and your family have been on my heart these past several days. Great to read your update. Know that I'll be praying for you and Mike and the kids--and thanks to you all for the sacrifice you're making for our country.
sis; Can't add much to what everyone else has said other than we continue to pray for ALL of you and often during the day for Mike. PROUD you SAY! Definitely that is what we are of you and Mike.
Mom/Dad T
I'm not sure what words I could possibly give to you at this time, De'Etta. I can only say "thank you" to Mike for being in the military & serving our country. I will also keep you & your family in my prayers that this six months will go by very quickly.
Lisa in ME
Thank you so much for sharing your life and yourself with us here and on SHS. Your family is in our prayers, and we're proud of all of our service men and women! I second everything said here already!
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