What do you call female pirates?


I guess some never outgrow the love of playing dress up. {bg} Bre has always loved customs and writing plays etc. That love is being refined and used as a ministry tool these days. In fact, she and Krista are teaching the little ones a human video.....I wish they were going to be home longer to get something together for the chapel.....but the time is short. Thanks to Krista for taking the pictures.
I am thinking piratesses or piratas.
Missing y'all
I see now that Allison will never outgrow this. I think I may need to steer her towards a career in dress-up.lol I think that you may need to do the same.
Yippee a comment from Mike. I think we like piratesses best. {G}
Lisa - Bre channels it to human videos and dramas in school assemblies most the time now. {bg}
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