Monday, September 18, 2006

Bible Study Guides

Several have emailed me off list and so I'll post here as others may wonder.

We are using the LifeChange Guides from Nav Press. They are written to be an inductive study with all the work in one book(dictionary, outlines, maps, commentary). They GIVE you the definitions for word studies (which personally I don't like - I like to look them up myself - but for many this is a huge time saver), background info and ask several application questions. They are structured so you are observing, interpreting and applying the Word. You are IN the Word. A bit of commentary but mostly you are in the Word. When I can't use Precept - I like these. Each lesson is supposed to take 60 - 90 minutes a week (15 - 20 min 5 days a week) so it is doable for most women/groups. I've used them a couple of times. It isn't a "bells and whistle" type series - but they are good in that you are focused on the Word. Personally, I've found they work really well if I've done the Precept course myself - because then I have lots of background info and can easily add where/if needed.....we've even had these going at the same time as Precept so those who want to do inductive but don't have the time can do these and attend the Precept discussion/videos. That's worked well. The Precept in/out are really well...most my women have enjoyed Nav Press better....they are a bit more meat than we've found the in/out to be.

Hope that Helps - and yes...these would work well for homeschoolers who want their "Bible" class to be Bible Study...and they work well for Jr High/ High school students as well as new Christians, busy women or men....but they aren't fancy it's the Holy Spirit that adds the zing in these studies. LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would adding a link to NavPress be helpful for those who may want to see their products?

(I'm skimming this morn, so if there's one & I missed it, sorry.)
