Darshia suggested I include a link for the Nav Press Bible Studies. Great idea. Here you go! Enjoy. OH - the series with titles like "Six essential steps to Clarify Your Calling" is one I've talked about before too. You'll find info on that series at this site as well.
Thanks for the suggestion, Darshia!
Thanks for posting the link. I'm going to look into these:)
Jen in Az.
Thank you so much De'Etta. As I am a relatively new Christian, I don't always know a "good" Bible study aide from....well, one that isn't good. I came out of a major denominational church where the pastor didn't even believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God, so now I am very careful about the study guides I use. I missed the study we did in I, II and III John at the awesome biblically sound church we now attend and have always wanted to find a good one.
Lis in NY
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