Friday continued
In our home Friday nights mean PIZZA. I am actually setting aside the money each week that we would have spent on buying pizza. Jamin has taken to this with gusto. He has the dough in the fridge by Wed afternoon each week.
Last night he asked me to handle the “pan pizza”. He had the recipe and technique that I was to follow. I am enjoying something we can do together. I sort of bombed with the weight training – I’m a disappointment. My wrist gives out way to early these days. I also am not a runner these days! BUT I can walk with him in the evenings and I can cook with him. LOL
Equipped with the recipe I began. I try so hard to stay to the recipe. I did fairly well….I only “dumped” some wonderful spices into the dough. He asked me to make my BBQ sauce. I did. He deviated from the tips from the pizza queen by asking me to make the pan pizza in my big cast iron skillet (it called for a 9 x 13 pan). I topped the dough with my sauce, chicken, Muenster (monster) cheese, cheddar cheese & mozzarella I think – whatever Jamin gave me – onions and red peppers. It was GREAT! We were thrilled to find the pan pizza secret…now we are happy with pizza making. WELL o.k. I’m totally satisfied with it. The little ones gave his cheese pizza a “thumbs up”. Jamin will continue to tweak – but that’s o.k.
After dinner we headed out to feed the deer at the end of our street. I think I mentioned all the new babies. They are almost fearless. They come very close to us….mother hanging back…which we thought strange. There are two male deer sporting new antlers who stage a fight for us each night. I had found a cache that was .5 from our home. We thought it may be in the deer field…but it was on the other side of the field….so we walked around to find it. By the time we got to the spot it was dark. We’ll have to walk down and try to find it during the day some time.
We also discovered a human male obviously in a midlife crisis. Mike, they live at the home with the fountain we admire. This man was in his sporty firebird and racing around like a mad man we had to jump out of his way twice…..I nearly knocked on his door to discuss this issue with him - but saner mind prevailed.
We were excited to discover that THREE Netflix movies had arrived. We watched “Miracle” – the story of the 1980 USA hockey team. It was good. It was fun to watch the news clips and commercial blurbs in it. I was hearing comments about the era…..until I said, “yeah – we thought we were cool and looking back we were a bit strange…but stranger still YOUR generation is copying our styles – go retro!” ::::snort::: We also watched a couple of episodes of Hogan’s Heroes. I’m excited because I ordered a disc of “Here’s Lucy”. I plan to begin watching those and going to bed before mid-night…hoping they’ll put me to sleep. LOL
Technically – Friday is now over and Saturday has begun. I’ve got two little ones in the room with me. Stacia woke up in the middle of the night for the first time in a week or so…but she’s down now and I’m heading back for bed.
Choosing Joy is getting much easier the last couple of days. I’ve taken my “self” firmly in hand. I think it will be MUCH easier when the girls ARRIVE in WA and quit the driving part of this. OH for those who know us from AK…..the girls are staying with Tom and Corinna (SP!). They’ve been able to see Frances and her daughters, and Elise and Susan as well. I got to talk to Frances when I was trying to track them down after their first day of driving. She told me she was surprised we were letting them drive out alone….I told her if Mike was stateside it wouldn’t have happened…I would have gone out with them…but they were excited for this step. LOL
We've been having a "full" bed lately also. It's killing me.LOL Last night, we had Isaac from 2-4am, and we finally put him away just in time for Evie to have a bad dream and tell us that she doesn't want to sleep alone anymore.LOL This is one stage that I'll be happy to see gone.
The deer you can feed so close sound cool, it sounds like here are many of them.
I've had children, younger two, wake me 3 times in the night this week, this is not fun! Don't know what's up as mine were pretty much past that stage.
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