Ready for a summary of the day? I did very little I planned for the day and very much I didn’t. I didn’t bake. I didn’t finish John’s study for Tuesday. I didn’t order more school books.
I did learn that my sweet Aunt Gin is now dancing with Jesus and talking to him face to face. This is some comfort. Her children continue to be in my heart and I’d ask you remember them in your prayers. Aunt Gin has battled cancer with grace and faith for almost as long as I can remember. She beat the odds and lived to raise her children and in fact see great-grandchildren. She will be missed by many.
I did spend some time marinating on I John. In “proper speak” that sentence should read: I did spend some time meditating on I John. It was good to have been thinking about what it means that Jesus IS eternal life….before I got the call and I spent much more time thinking about this today. I’m sad, very sad…but glad, very glad too.
I did discover I was out of honey so baking was off the schedule, as was making ice cream.
I did talk on the phone to a friend.
I did take Jamin and Arielle out. Jamin wanted to look at pawn shops. He’s in the market for more weights. We didn’t find any at pawn shops.
I did buy two NEW recorders for the younger ones to learn on at the pawn shop. So far – so good. They’ve taken them apart, explored and begun to figure out how the thing works. They figured out the spit cloth thing all on their own. They have figured out how to make various sounds. I think in a couple of days they’ll ask me what the dots on the lines are about. LOL I love – whatever you want to call this – “classical theory of learning, fun schooling, child-led, unschooling, funschooling” – it works.
I did stop by the county library and find two more books I need for next week.
I did take Jamin to Big 5 and Arielle to Target. She and I worked on getting things to fill packages for the girls. When Jamin joined us we went to the mall and found a few more things. We also dutifully waved at Josiah in his Chick Fil A persona. Jamin did leave a scary note on his windshield.
I did stop by to check on the birthday gift we’ve ordered for Mike. It’s not in….but we will still make it in good time.
I did go for a nice long walk with Jamin, Stacia and Nolan.
I did get kids through the bath.
Have you ever had a day that went right like it should have though it was not at all what you had planned? That was this day.
Now – I will go do some more study on life, spend some more time remembering and praying, iron clothes for tomorrow and wait to see how Josiah reacted to the note on his windshield.
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