Friday Recap
I took Bre to get a hair cut this a.m. We then stopped at Scrapbooking University. I think they undermined my determination to quit scrapping. We'll see. We also went to Hobby Lobby and Tuesday Morning. I'm looking for a "deployment broach". I want a pin that I can put Mike's picture in. I want a vintage look but I'm not finding it. I may make some. We'll see. I have a bracelet but you know a woman can never have to much jewelry.
We got home to discover that Krista had all the little ones painting flags for team banners. She has quite a few exciting things planned for us.
I had a PBS book requested. I also received a book that several had recommended "Feeding the Healthy Vegetarian Family". We're not - vegetarian that is but I AM looking for great tasting healthy recipes. I cracked up when sent a coupon for 50% off Omaho STEAKS with the book. The boys had quite a few comments about that. :::snort:::
Tonight we had a birthday party - well two to attend. Right before we left Mike called. He's still not settled but getting closer.
After the party we stopped by Office Depot to buy a couple of cameras for the girls - late birthday gifts. It was right at closing and the poor clerk made 3 mistakes....after that we headed to Chick Fil A - and got some dinner.
The kids just put on "The Long, Long Trailer" from Netflix. Mike suggested it after we watched *RV*. We liked RV but found it crude in spots....I commented that you couldn't do a comedy about an RV and not talk about the sewer....Mike suggested we watch this one. Stacia is down...I'm going to go watch the movie and hopefully sleep well tonight.
Yes, dinner at ChikFilA, but how many milkshakes did you drink? (grin)
De'Etta, I'm waiting for my slow dialup to download your "new look," and I want you to know I've been praying for your family. God bless you.
I was wondering about the milkshake thing too, LOL. I actually hinted for my hubby to stop there tonight on the way home from the workshop so that I could try one of these "famous" milkshakes, we ended up at BK....
Still prayin' for ya!
Jen in Az.
Thanks for the prayers all....
Any time I want a Chick Fil A milk shake I can have Cy bring one home for me. LOL You will be happy to know I had none. We cracked up when Cy opted to have the organic, all natural and HEALTHY Chicken Divan at home instead of a chick fil a sandwhich. A few months ago he was eating all meals at work because he thought the new eating was too strange. LOL
I'm going to have Cy double check the size and calorie count at his store...because though 850 is a LOT for a milk's less than some of you were told. LOL Also - I've never been able to drink even 1/2 of one...they are RICH. The other night I bought one and drank about two inches of it and then Bre and Arielle both drank too....they do NEED to make small sizes. LOL
snort..I had the same thought about the shake.
Your new look is good, it's a nice color.
Well - ya'all are making me think I NEED to go get a milk shake..I do need to take Stacia's shoes back to Old Navy because her foot won't even slide into them.....and it is in the mall where the dreaded milk shakes live.....
Stacia walks everywhere now and she is going to need some that is one of my goals for the day.
The long, long trailer is one of my favorites!LOL Hopefully, you all enjoyed it. I love the part about collecting
I also LOVED the old Yours, Mine and Ours. Very well done. The new one just doesn't do it justice.
I love your new do, it suits you and am glad that you found out about those shakes.
SIS: they also have MALTS? My favorite food of all! Texas here I come!!
Sorry Mom, I've not found malts anywhere down here in TX....I met we could make some.
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