Saturday, September 09, 2006

Weekends are long when your husband is gone.

I got back on my bike and began to ride. I did 8 miles and then 2.25 miles of walking with Jamin and Arielle later on. I have blisters. My bike tire was flat and someone put something on it that makes my tire whistle or really sort of groan….what’s up with THAT????

Today we sort of sat around. Saturday a.m.’s are “play station day” at our house. This occupied the young ones way into the afternoon.

Krista and I finally bit the bullet and took Stacia to buy shoes. I’ve bought 4 pairs that should fit but don’t. She fell asleep before we arrived at the store. I put her in the sling and found it was probably best to have her asleep while we tried shoes on her. She awoke with her feet in tennis shoes and had a FIT. I bought two pairs. I’ve never forced a child to wear shoes…but HERE there are nasty, painful things on the ground outside. If she wants to walk outside – and she does – she’ll have to learn to wear shoes outside.

We walked in the house and discovered Mike on the phone with the kids. He has landed. I’m still not sure what I’m allowed to say so won’t say much. He has no contact info for us yet. He’s not in the spot he thought he would be in but he’ll be having an adventure and as long as there are troops to minister to, he’ll be happy.

We thought about doing a treasure hunt that Krista made up for us…but never quite pulled it off.

Stacia is teething and is a handful.

Bre cleaned out their car. I did laundry.

Jamin made pizza. Pizza is usually a Friday night dinner around here….but we had birthday parties last night. He is getting this pizza making art down. The new technique DID make pizza more like a pizzeria. It was crispy on the outside and light and airy on the inside. He’s poring over the book again to see what adjustments he will make for next week.

Steve and Debby stopped by with their sons tonight. We thought that Bre’s computer needed to be set up so she could use the wi fi…turns out it is all set up. It was a fun visit though.

I had a mild break down today when I realized the girls will be leaving in 10 days. {sigh} Zander came over and said, “I love you mom” and gave me a hug. I told him that was the perfect thing to do. It was also the first hug that I’ve received since Tuesday. I miss hugs.

Our first Saturday is under our belt.


Anonymous said...

Oh De'Etta...I am crying...and I'm not married to him! => The lack of info & uncertainty must be hard. But I know that you know that God is always with His children. If there is anything I can do, San Angelo is not that far away.

On the lighter side, I have never been a shoe person either, so I can sympathize with Stacia. However, as a mom, I'm behind you. There are yucky critters here, so even I have had to keep my feet covered.

Try and take this deployment one day at a time, you will make it through. Know that you have Him keeping watch always, and you have sisters in Christ here for you.

Keeping you all in constant prayer...


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


I'm thinking a trip your way might be in order during the holidays. I certainly wouldn't have to worry about ice. LOL

We've actually been able to hear from Mike quite a bit and next week he should have an office and be able to have email etc. That will help us all. The kids will be able to zip him emails at any time they desire. I think he's set now and will be in place until he comes home....I'm just not sure yet how much he wants me to put on the blog. will be nice when we have an ADDRESS and a phone number or email address....lots of us are waiting for THAT. LOL

Thanks for your encouragement.

Anonymous said...

(((HUGS))) I can't imagine how hard this is. I'll continue to pray for you and your family.

Also, I don't know if you've ever heard of them but we only use shoes on our littles. They are comfy, cute, and my kids have yet to be able to get them off.LOL Mine also hate shoes but they tolerate robeez. I just bought Isaac his second pair, the puppy shoes. We have horrible fire ants up here so shoes are not an option. All of my kids are used to Miami, where there weren't fire ants and it's been a hard adjustment.

Rest those blistered feet and your squeaky tire!



Anonymous said...

Weekends are so very hard!

I'm sorry your crew is not feeling well. I'll add that to the prayer list.

I just love Stacia's facial expressions and I can just imagine the face she made when she discovered those shoes. We don't have too many yucky critters here, but the ground is frozen a good part of the year! :-p

Having contact information will be wonderful.

If you ever need a road trip, northern NY is pretty nice most anytime of the year!

Continuing to pray.

Anonymous said...


Now let's see????????? Where in the world do you suppose Stacia got the gene for NO SHOES passed on to her... HA! Great G'M Simmons, G'Ma T, MaMa, etc. Will pray she gets use to shoes fast so she does not get hurt down there.

Maybe your feelling down yesterday is why I had a dream about you so prayed a bit more yesterday.

Our little man, "Alexander", how sweet of him and so sensitive.

When you are down just imagine hugs from Mike, and some from us too.

We love you all


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I HATE SHOES!!!! Even I wear sandles 90% of the time down here...the fire ants are nasty!!!!LOL

Lisa - I did the store locator thing and it seems there is a store here in town where I can buy these - it's a store I've never heard of but it's on a main street. I can try. LOL

I wonder how long it would take me to drive to Northern NY. Is your dh a coastie? Oops - you can answer that privately.