Monday, September 11, 2006

I don’t think it would be exaggerating to say that the world changed on 9-11-2001. At least our world changed. I hope that America has not quickly forgotten 9-11 and that we are in a War. We can ignore the war, disagree with the war, support the war or protest the war….but that won’t change the fact that there are those out there who hate enough to kill. I have many friends whose sons have decided to enter the armed forces after 9-11. I know many whose dh’s have been overseas for a year or longer. Air port lines are longer. There will never be a day when my young ones don’t know about terror….strange the sense of security we enjoyed as a country before 9-11. Today my prayers are with all those who are remembering the loved ones they lost. I commit anew to pray for our leaders at this time in history.

I began the day by disinfecting the entire house. I washed all the boys’ bedding – including their pillows, stuffies, toys. I have kicked this flu bug as best as I know how…and I’m covering all the effort with lots of prayer.

Krista, Nolan, Zander and I went for a walk. We made it up to SW and back. Krista DID have to ride Zander’s tricycle back. I sure wish I’d thought to bring a camera. She looked like one of those clowns in the circus.

Jared and Krista organized the game closet for me today. YIPPEE!! I organized the shed…am working on the garage.

I also spent some time figuring out invoices for tonight’s Shop Natural co-op. We had had several out of stocks to deal with. I was surprised that the kids and I met the truck. Only Adrienne and her family came to help and we STILL had everything done by 6:45 p.m. – a whole 15 minutes ahead of schedule….AND this was the biggest order ever. We’re good. :::snort::: I was nervous as to how this would work with Mike gone. Don, the truck driver, teased me about joining the church co-op where I pick up. Evidently, not only have they been inviting me but they’ve been talking to him. He told them that he doesn’t think I’ve decided. He told me that he thinks that it would be easiest for me to continue doing what I’m doing as long as I want to. We have a bigger order than the other co-op and if we joined them we’d have to sort it all THERE before I could take it home. Also – they are very confused and confusing. Don cracked me up by commenting that my daughter (Krista) was tough. He’s from the Bronx. He admires this. He said he loves to see a confident young lady because then you know that they won’t be taken advantage of. She was lugging 50# sacks of grain around with her brothers. She also has taken up Tae Kwon Do as self-defense. I told him I agreed that it is reassuring to see a girl who exudes strength and confidence. You go Krista!

I bought a TON of goodies that I normally wouldn’t buy this time. The girls have found that some of the all natural – organic stuff is good. It costs a pretty penny so I send them back to WA with organic soda, chips and crackers…..

Cy worked today. Jamin and Bre went and found a yard to mow. Then they came home and mowed ours.

That’s the day…..tomorrow will be another busy day. I think all the days will be busy now until the girls leave next Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

You had a very busy and productive day! I love those kinds of days.

We've not forgotten 9/11. We grieved and prayed all over again yesterday. Allen now has a better understanding. He didn't remember much. I shielded him from much of the news since he was only 7 and very sensitive, Isaac too.

Ahhh, I better wake up soon since Allen will be barreling down the steps shortly :)


Anonymous said...

Well if your co-op order is bigger than the other groups one I too think you should keep it how it is!

LOL about your tough dd. Tae Kwon Do has been a good thing for our kids. I do hope you can find one in your area at a decent price. Ours is too expensive but it is a respected school and there is not a whole lot around here anyway. We don't seem to get the free or inexpensive sports programs that some get through churhces in other areas.

So you've converted the girls to healthy food too, sounds like they were easier to win over than the big boys!


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oh Jodi - no I've not converted the big girls. They eat pork - all the time....they eat junk whenever possible...but they do admit that the some of my junk food does taste good - sometimes better than the other stuff. The Blue Sky organic Cream Soda is GOOD....we only drink a can a week - and then we divide it three ways...but since they are going to be drinking and eating junk when they leave may as well be good junk. LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow, great day, De'Etta. I get tired just reading some of your posts.

We certainly haven't forgotten 9/11...I don't think anyone who is military ever can. It changed everything for us in so many ways. I grew up in a very "Norman Rockwell" world...close family, swimming holes, bike rides to our friends house...never a thought for anything dangerous or scary.

I admire all the work you have done to help your family eat healthier and more natural. We are making very, very slow changes, but have started to notice that certain things bother Gabe (behavior wise), so I think we'll have to work harder at it. It seems to be some type of preservative in packages foods. We don't eat a lot of packaged stuff, usually just snack items. will be worth it for us if we can help him.

Debbie in NNY

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


Try eliminating BHT, BHA and TBHQ....those are the main ones we avoid for Zander.....even in pacakgaing.Those and artificial dyes and flavors are big for him.

It's amazing to see the difference. Skittles are DEATH around here for several of us. LOL