Sunday Evening
First Sunday down…only 24 – 28 more to go! :::snort:::
This was NOT a typical Sunday. I know that Nolan has the flu bug…but I can’t determine if Stacia is ONLY teething or has the flu bug too. She’s got Technicolor diapers. I decided early on today to run to Sam’s and buy some disposable diapers until she is back to normal. I can’t have her staining all my new diapers. {bg}
The highlight of the day was talking to my sweetheart. Of course, you guessed that with the opening paragraph being about diapers didn’t you? :::snort::: The phones are funky. There is a delay and an echo…it was just like talking to my parents on the mission field.
The “old” children went out to lunch today. I stayed home with Nolan, Zander and Stacia. They went to Quiznos and ate outside. They were gone a LONG time and I later learned they had a good time sitting around and visiting. I think it turned out good that they had the chance to go out alone.
Krista, Jamin, Jared, Josiah and I played “Missing Link”. We find it funny that we know so little of the “social” questions. Jared was astonished that ONE woman could have 7 husbands – Elizabeth Taylor.
Bre went in early to chapel as she was singing with the worship band. I stayed home with the aforementioned younger children and the rest headed to church.
While everyone was gone (well NOT everyone but anyone with energy), I worked on getting ready for a new school year. I have decided to get rid of all but three years of my old Sonlight manuals. I was going through them and muttering and such…..books everywhere….Zander commented, “Mom, my job is to play. YOUR job is ReeeeeeeLax!”
When they got home Zander and I were outside. He saw Mike’s Honda coming down the ally and said, “Is THAT my DADDY???!!!!” It was sad. I said, “No, it’s not your daddy”. Then he said, “Oh it must be my brother???”. LOL
The kids had a great time at chapel. It was the first time they had heard our new Ch. – Ch. Barnes - preach. They enjoyed his message. Our worship leader is very excited to try a live hookup from overseas and have Mike’s service played here….I don’t know…some sort of joint service between the students and the troops over there….sounds cool but tricky to me…guess that’s why it’s HIS idea. LOL
Well, I had a ton of devotional thoughts I was going to share…but this has gotten quite long enough as is. LOL
*Note Mom – I realize that Ch. Barnes has Gram’s last name but I think they are from different parts of the country….not sure. I asked but can’t remember.
Choosing Joy!
Hey I sent you an email but decided to post here too. Can you email me your snail mail addy again? I have it somewhere but I can't find it right now. I'm having something mailed to you.
Jen in Az.
Will do.
Wonderful!, you got to talk to Mike! Will you be able to talk regularly? That will be so nice.
Sorry your kiddos are stil under the weather.
Still praying.
Deb (DebbieNNY)
ugh! I'm praying for you. Sick kids are not fun. Hopefully, this will be a quick one and you'll already be over this today.
Deb - I'm not sure how often we'll be able to talk. As often as he can find the time to get through? I still can't call HIM...but hey...he can call me. LOL
Lisa - the kids seem better today....praying and praying....
Sorry to hear about the flu bug sweeping through your house. I was hoping it was just stress or tiredness. Hope you all feel better soon. Sounds like you're making the best of it and still enjoying the time with the girls.
G Simmons' G'parents came from Mo.
Alex is just to cute in the things he says........very aware I'd say.
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