I loved the board, the photos, the playing pieces, the idea...
but some of the words were bad picks. I wish a homeschool mom had made this game. I had visions of it being great for enforcing phonics and speech.....you roll the dice, move to a picture of something in the forest, say the word and pick the letter on your bingo card that you hear at the start of the word. Sounds good doesn't it....but with word choices like "knot hole" and "opossom" I was less than 100% thrilled.

I know what you mean about the words not being right. I've even had that happen with homeschool products. There are times I have said "now why pick that word when x, y or z would have been so much better.
Sis: Love the thought of the game and looking forward to playing with the kids sometime in the future.
The game LOOKS beautiful, from the picture (before reading) I was thinking we MUST add that to our christmas ideas list. Maybe not if the word choices are not so great altho bigs could help littles, yet maybe it would still be confusing. I could see Hayley loving the playing pieces and game board though! Any way better word choices could be added/substituted to the game or not really....I'm thinking not really if there are specific pictures. Well it still sounds cute if not as phonics friendly as it could be!
Jodi - you know we played more today and they are "phonetic" I mean "N" is the sound for knothole....KWIM? I guess if I ignore the whole letter association...maybe I was wanting to much. And "p" is the sound you hear in opossom I suppose if the o is silent..... It is a darling game. They also had a zoo alphabet bingo and something else maybe urgan alphabet bingo...no that's one I was creating in my imagination. :::snort::: Tuesday Moring - $6.
This game is adorable! I think another trip to Tuesday Morning is in order!
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