Jodi's Garlic Pull Apart Rolls -
*I made some adaptations to the recipe to compensate for using whole grains instead of all purpose flour....
1 1/2 C of hot water
1/4 C olive oil (or coconut oil would be fine)
2 T honey
1 T of yeast
5 C whole wheat flour (I used hard red, 7 grain and soft white mix that was left over from baking today)
1 T vital wheat gluten
1 T garlic powder
1 tsp sea salt
Combine water, oil, honey and yeast. Let sit until yeast is activated. Add 3 C of flour and gluten to yeast mixture. Stir and let sit for 15 minutes. Add remaining flour, garlic and salt. Knead. Make into "roll sized" balls and place them in a circle around the outer edge of the pie dish; then add an inner circle and one roll in the middle. I did grease the pan too. Bake at 350* for 30 minutes. The bread pulls apart nicely. This is fun for kids to help make. Jodi and Lisa report it is also great with cinamon and sugar mixture.
*I wasn't sure how this would work with whole grains. I added the T of gluten "in case", added the honey to be sure the yeast was well activated and then did the sponge too.....turned out great. The kids raved about this bread. We love spices so next time I'll dump some Italian spices in with it.
I'll have to be sure to try your version, LOL. And then you can try my versions of your version and Lisa can change it a bit too and...LOL Seriosly my kids think this is about the best bread ever since it was fun and tasty so there are sure to be many variations to come. I do like the idea of italian or different spices next.
I agree with your kids. It is WONDERFUL. I had to make the honey and such changes just because I've leanred that whole grain breads need help rising. LOL
I think dried onions and cheese woudl be awesome!!!!
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