“Do we have any food coloring?” ARGH – what a question!!! Jared KNOWS our stance on artificial dyes. BUT he needed some food coloring for a science experiment. I laughed later in the day when Arielle and Nolan chose to make “candy crystals” and we need – you guessed it FOOD COLORING! Thus began our second day of schooling. Well not really – this was before I joined the kids. LOL
We began the day with working on a “family way” from “Our Family’s 24 Ways”. I LOVE this book and the approach. We’ve gone through it before but are working through it again with the younger ones….refreshing the older ones so that they can use it as a tool for training when we are not at home. Clay and Sally do a GREAT job of reaching a child’s heart with the WORD and PRINCIPLES vs. rules, rules, and rules. This is a proactive discipline tool in my opinion. I like it so well that last night I ordered 3 coloring books - they’ve updated the program since we bought the old flip chart version. This is not a homeschool only program.
We still can’t get our printer to work. My computer continues to close out of Outlook and the internet browsers with no warning. I really think it may be the wireless mouse and keyboard as it began doing this AFTER we attached those. The copy machine needs a printer toner (not a normal toner) and so I need to find the time to research a good spot to get such a thing.
School went well for all. Since we are doing 1900’s, I pulled out our American Girl Samantha craft book and cookbook and told Arielle and Nolan to pick one a week from each. I find out tomorrow what we’re doing. I KNOW we’ll be doing those candy crystal things because I agreed that was a FREE choice. I wonder if it will work with rapadura or if it HAS to be refined white sugar…..And we’ll have to make some without food color for Zander. LOL
Josiah and I went out to buy honey. I can’t believe how crippled I am without honey. I plan to bake tomorrow. We also went to the library and dropped off a bunch of books we are done with. I found a few new series that look really great to work in to this unit. I need to go back and get all the rest of the books for the unit but I can’t get the computer to print off the list. . . and I don’t want to rewrite 8 pages of Dewey numbers. :::Snort:::
We also stopped by HEB and bought some produce on sale…..I came home and got 10 lbs of strawberries into the freezer. I love them for smoothies. Though I’ve been using blueberries and they are wonderful! Thanks to Chris’ froggy, I’ve been leery of buying bagged salad but I need the convenience. I really AM visual. I’d HEARD about the risks of bagged salad but “SEEING is believing” around here. LOL I bought some more greens, chopped them all up, spun them all and then put the mixture in Ziplocs. We’ll see. I wanted to add the rest of the salad stuff but I haven’t had luck getting made up salad to last. Any suggestions? During all my kitchen time Zander came in and said, “MOM stole the cookie from the cookie jar”…this game expanded until he and I were yelling for others and the sounds were coming from all corners of the house. It doesn’t take much to amuse us.
I played croquet with Zander. He ASKED me to. Nolan and Arielle joined us for our second game.
Bible Study was tonight. Our group is really gelling. It was FUN. For any local women with base access, you are welcome to join us. Tuesday at 6:30. We try to be done with our discussion by 7:30 but some nights may go until 8:00. We are studying I John and it is RICH. Tonight we discussed life and fellowship…..both topics I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. We are “intergenerational” as we have 3 in their late 60’s and 3 in their 40’s….LOL A HOOT was when Mandy explained that whole “Hitchhiker in the galaxy” thing…’s an ENGLISH program. She grew up watching it. She’s from England. Their family loves it. I asked about the naked man but she’d never seen him. I told her I must have missed this program since I was in the Philippines during those years. {g}
I came home and got kids in bed. During the process I heard Zander say, “I LOOOOVE you Stacia!” Ah – great mommy moment. I need to do some more searching for a few more things I need to order…but I’m tired. I decided I’d best update the blog so my family does we are alive and well.
* Oh – the title….well you have to use some title but seriously it’s been 3 weeks since Mike has been gone. I miss you, hon. Josiah drove home today and jumped out to begin unloading. I sat there and sort of thought and then started tearing up….no one to open my door…..
With regard to your question of getting prepared salad to last in the fridge, I usually spin the greens until they are really dry in a salad spinner (my girlfried tried her dryer and I DON'T recommend it!!), put a paper towel lining the bottom of the baggie and then dump the lettuc in. I have never tried the baggies with the breathable holes for produce so I can't tell you if those work well or not. The other thing is that I chop all of the vegetables and keep them in separate containers, especially cucumbers, bean sprouts and tomatoes, since those go soggy quickly. The radishes, red cabbage and snap peas do fine for a long time in containers. My prepped salad usually lasts about 5 or 6 days or we usually finish it before then. I also keep my fridge really cold, below 40 but I don't know if that makes a difference too.
Lis in NY
Can you start posting some of your yummy goodies that you are baking. One I am interested in are the chocolate chip cookies
Beth in GA
Have you tried looking for the natural food colorings yet? I remember there was a thread about it on SHS quite awhile back. They may be available from your food co-op or one of the specialty websites.
Hope your salad greens last a good long time- well at least 5 or 6 days! One of my lesser like chores is making salads to be honest. It does seem less time consuming when I've stored some already prepped and chopped ahead. Lately with the garden though, we've been using as it ripens so it takes longer to put a salad together.
Sounds like so far your "first week back" is going very well!!
I always assign someone else to make the salad.LOL It's a long standing tradition from when I was growing up and it's one that I've seen fit to pass down. Whomever gets caught in the kitchen during dinner prep, gets the job.LOL
Oh, and I think the company that sells natural dyes is called Squirell's Nest. There, now I've added something of help to my comment.LOL
Lis - I'm going to try the veggie thing....Jodi suggested that too...but I'd not got around to finding time yet...I DO like have the lettuce all ready to go.
Jodi- haven't ordered the natural dyes yet because for the most part we simply leave the dye out. LOL Darshia suggested fruit puree too....
Lisa...whever someone asks if they can help with dinner...they make the salad. LOL
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