Thursday - BUSY
We went to our local nature center. Jared found out that what he thought was a garter snake when he was mowing was a baby rattler! God help us. They had baby pythons. They fed the snakes. They EAT mice and I was totally sickened and grossed out....but Zander and Nolan held the snakes. ARGH. We used a gal of antibacterial stuff when we left....lots of strange insects and critters.
We had one hour between the center and getting Jamin and Jared to HoF.
I usually use the 3 hours while the boys are at HoF to let the littles play while I make phone calls. Yesterday, we did school. We watched a DVD on King Tut.
I made Parmesan rice to go along with our crock pot chicken. I also made Jodi's pull apart rolls and a salad. I'll use the left over chicken tonight with the left over BBQ sauce from earlier in the week to make a BBQ chicken pizza - my favorite. "They" like ham and pineapple...reminds I'd best pick up some of that deli turkey ham today when picking up the produce order....
And that reminds me that I have 20 minutes before I have to do that and I've not set up tables and baskets. ::snort:: The day is off and running! No pictures or links because - one I forgot the card for the Nikon and two - I'm running late. LOL
how can you talk about all that food and NOT share the recipes??????
Tell you what...I'll share our CWOLF cookbook (in PDF) if you share those recipes...and I think you might like our book...IF someone hasn't shared it with you already (Deb and Lisa have it, lol)
The WHOLE shebang sounds great...pull apart rolls, Parmesan rice...BBQ chicken pizza! Crock Pot Chicken!!!
LOL I'm going to have to remember to check who logged on this computer last now that the others have entered the world of blogger. ::snort::
Linda - I'll get recipes together for you - you are right, that was terribly inconsiderate of me. ::snort::
CWOLF - what IS this? I'm guessing a crafty or homeschooling yahoo list if you, Lisa and Debbie belong...and I'd love any new recipes! LOL
snakes. ECK!!!!!!!!!!
whoops the class bell just rang so off to class I must go.
love/prayers and not for the snakes.
De'Etta, what is parmesan rice?? Your dinner sounds luscious!!
I've been off and running all day today, too. I told Doug if I could just stay HOME, we could get school done, housework done and meals made :::snort:::
YIKES... what a fright to realize you saw a rattler instead of a water snake. Hopefully he didn't HOLD it and play with it!
OH! TOO scary about the baby--because (I'm stating the obvious, I know) where's the mom, and there must be other siblings around too . . .
Did you SEE my zoo pic a few weeks ago where they fed dead/frozen/thawed rats to the snake? BLECH.
CWOLF - Christian Women's Online Fellowship
It was a branch of our original Christian Scrapbooking Friends group (now defunct). Some of us felt the group was slipping from its original intent, so Lisa and Deb (I believe) started a group where we could fellowship without necessarily talking about's a much smaller, more intimate group.
A few years ago, I was doing "Recipe Monday" where everyone shared recipes. I kept ALL those posts, then compiled all the recipes. I put them together, along with bible quotes about food and hospitality, created a PDF file and our ladies all loved it.
You are very brave to let your sons hold the snakes VBG.
It is scary that you may just come across a dangerous one where you live.
I make those rolls 2x a day on non- busy days, they are a big hit here and seem to fill the boys up well. I have been adding flax oil to them and nobody has noticed.
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