Dad Update
My dad was told yesterday that he needs to have the surgery again. They will go in, remove whatever they put in during the second surgery, put a rod through the bone - up his leg and do a bone graph. I guess this is the only option. All the doctors at that practice have been consulting....guess all the doctors in that town work out of one office.
Dad has surgery on Tuesday.
Oh, NO!
I thought he said not again, has he decided he will?
Have your parents done anything, is there anything they can do, to assure that the procedure actually WORKS this time? Or is there any discount that the drs would offer, considering that this is the THIRD TIME?
Argh - it pains me to think about it. Will be praying.
I am so sorry. I will be praying for your father. What an awful thing to happen.
I am so sorry your dad is having to go through this again. I will pray that this is it and all goes perfect and for his heart to not get discouraged. I do know how one surgery after another can weary a soul and so I will pray against this in him and your mom. Any thing we can do??? Send cards etc.?
Thanks to all of you for your prayers. We do appreciate them. There was good news that neither of his hips show any arthrites. In the far future should things go wrong there could be a total hip replacement becuase it seems the femer below the neck has/is healing pretty good and if it continues as is that femur could hold the ball rod etc. FAR INTO THE FUTURE. Paul chose this operation from the two choices. He is discouraged but we are also praying for a special anointing and wisdom to be on this Christian Dr. on Tuesday so he will not miss a thing.
thanks again for praying,
Oh, dear! That is too bad. I will be praying on Tuesday for a successful surgery and a quick and complete healing.
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