Monday, October 09, 2006

Finally sitting down to update everyone on my day…

Thanks for the prayers, phone calls and emails that I’ve been receiving. I really am FINE…By gifting I’m a teacher. I like to get the facts. I feel like I’m in the fact gathering stage of things right now. There is no point to give in to worry or fear. I’m blessed that they are moving quickly on this. Many have to wait weeks between the first mammogram and being scheduled for the second and then longer for the ultrasound. I think that waiting that long would be hard.

I got a wonderful call from a fellow chaplain’s wife today. Her dh is currently deployed too. We were both at Malmstrom years ago – our dh’s first assignment. She has traveled this road I’m on. In fact she just found out this week that her biopsies came back clear. She had great words of advice for me…and I’ll follow them. The biggest being that after tomorrow, I will tell them that when they want to talk results or such I need to bring a friend with me. She told me that 80% of all of these cases turn out to be just fine. Those are very good odds.

Frankly, there is nothing like a bit of a scare to make one appreciate how precious family, home, friends, and such really are. There is nothing like a bit of a storm to make one appreciate how very strong our God is. I find stability in HIM…and He’s not a bit alarmed by anything that happens to me today or tomorrow.

Our Shop Natural co-op was tonight. Things went incredibly smooth. Josiah was home from work. He looks wiped. Jamin is thrilled that his Culinary Arts book arrived and has dug into the first assignment already.

The younger ones and I made it to Hobby Lobby today. I had hoped to work on some crafts with them this afternoon but the day got away from us and it was time to leave to meet the truck for co-op.

That’s the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I find stability in HIM…and He’s not a bit alarmed by anything that happens to me today or tomorrow."

Amen! Now, I might still take some reminding every now and again.... :) Glad to hear that the migraine is gone, and the picture is wonderful!