If you read the blog you probably are aware of my mammogram last week. They called today and want me to come back in for more pictures. I told them that Mike would be home in March and they said before then. I said that I homeschool and can come on an afternoon. They told me tomorrow a.m. at 8:00 or this afternoon. I said, "You found something, huh?" They said, "Yes, our radiologist wants more views". I'm fairly certain this is all stemming from a spot I found years ago and that Elmendorf checked. They weren't worried. This year they are.
I'd appreciate prayers for 1. accurate diagnosis (is it nothing, does it need to be treated?), 2. clear thinking for ME as I have to wade through options (I tend to blow off medical issues but need to find the balance between blowing them off and panic
AND...yes on top of this I'm in Day 4 of Migraine.... Honestly, I just need to know this is all covered in prayer and not to overreact because of my Aunt's recent home going.
Family - I'm FINE! I will tell you when it is time to panic! :::snort::: I'm not really panicking at this point - I think the migraine is a help in that regard!
Oh and I'm Choosing JOY and concentrating on all the endurance this new wrinkle will build into my life. {G}
I'm praying! Let us know what you find out. I sure hope you feel better soon.
Praying for you all the way over in Germany..
we'll probably have you covered around the world
I'm praying for you De'Etta. For your test and your migrain! Four days?? Ouch!
Praying here for you, De'Etta. I am so sorry you are dealing with this right now.
Hope your migraine eases up soon.
Oh Dear,
I'll be praying for you over all of this. Please keep us updated...
Jen in Az.
Praying and and praising that your migraine is gone now!
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