We schooled today.
I am fighting a migraine. I knew I was "due" because I'm not sleeping much...but I can't sleep. The kids sent me to bed this afternoon and so, though I hurt, I'm sort of functioning. Stacia fell asleep over dinner - I'm thinking I'll go ahead and skip family movie night and go to bed too. I AM going to bed but don't fall asleep until 1 - 2 a.m. and then am up at 5 a.m. I'm surprised I've done this for a month without a migraine. LOL I've learned to function with migraines.....but really throwing up and such make family life interesting. LOL We had planned to do much more - but plans change. I suppose I'll have to quit being stubborn and take the maxalt eventually. I simply HATE meds.
My Sam's order is ready - but I'll have to do that tomorrow. I planned to pick up some paint markers so we could begin on our story quilts but we'll probably do that this weekend. It's a "terrible" thing when school is so fun you want to do it on the weekends. :::snort:::
Well my head has reached roaring status....
I'll pray for you! I hate meds too but if you need them, you need them. I guess I'm learning that myself.ugh.
I'm so very sorry that you aren't sleeping well. That makes everything so much harder.
Praying here in NY for a quick recovery from your migraine.
God bless,
Sorry to hear about the migraines and lack of sleep. I'm not a great sleeper either and don't even have as good a reason to be restless as you. I have tried my ds's melatonin sometimes and it actually works quite well. Don't know if that's something you'd want to try . Just thought you might if you don't want to use the regular meds. We usually buy the natrol or the vegetarian GNC version. I think both worked but natrol seemed to have more natural ingredients so we've been using that one more lately. Even though you're not a vegetarian you may want to use the vegetarian version as I've heard that the non veg version has icky ingredients. It might be worth a try next time you order from co-op. Or actually our walmart has started carrying a few types of melatonin including Natrol so maybe yours does too.
I sure hope your migraine goes away soon and stays away!
Sis: Sorry to hear you are not sleeping. Guess that is something you got from me.... However, I take meds whenever it has been to long since I have slept more than 2-3 hours in a stretch.
PTL your kids are willing and do take over so you can get the rest you need when a M-headache strikes.
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