Saturday, October 07, 2006

Some Comments on comments to my original comments:

Lis, I believe it was Mary did a study and assures me that snorting is Biblical and is in the Bible. I'll continue to snort but I think you are right that snorting when attached to machines and tryng to take deep breaths should be limited. I'll remember this in the future. :::snort:::

**What is a story quilt?
This is yet another idea for school that I got from Jodi. {hugs Jodi} I ordered the kit from Oriental Trading. I ordered 3 kits. My plan is for Nolan and Arielle to each make a square each week that represents something we studied. We'll assemble it and have a nice quilt to remember the 20th Century. We're going to use paint markers to decorate. For week 1 Arielle chose a Teddy Bear and Nolan a Car. For week 2 Nolan chose an airplane and Arielle the panama canal. I really like this project. If I can't get my printer working soon it may take the place of a lap book until Mike gets home to fix the printer. {G}

**How does the Sams online thingy work?
Go to Sam's Club online. You can order things to pick up at the nearest location and to be delivered to your home. If you pick up at the store there is no fee whatsoever. I go online, search for the items I need, add them to my shopping cart and click. They send me an email telling me when it is ready to pick up. I go to the Customer Service desk at Sam's and tell them I'd like to pick up a click & pull order. They go get my carts - usually one in the cage and one in the cooler. When they scan my card it is all already in the system and I simply have to pay. If you put your order in by 5 p.m. it is ready by 7 a.m. the next day. Today was BUSY at Sam's being a Saturday but I was able to get in and out in 9 minutes....with 2 carts of items. Jamin misses roaming the aisels while I shop...probably once a month we'll do a trip in person...but this is saving me TIME. I keep a list on the fridge of Sam's things I need and when I have enough and time the next day to run in, I go online. I am NOT picking up extras that I see as I go through the store so it is also saving me MONEY. {G}

Darshia, I'm not sure about the temp of a freezer.....

Steph - that's ME the Savior of Breakfast everywhere. LOL Seriously, one of the boys said today, "Does this mean that bisquits and gravy are back on our menu?" Yep. We can have them...and eggs and sausage too.....spicey nitrites, nitrates, BHT or pork. LOL

Jodi and Beth, thanks for the tip about melatonin. I don't like to take ANYTHING but I may check into this if my sleeping pattern doesn't adjust soon. Frankly, I simply need to hear "Good night cutie" or "Good night pretty lady" and it doesn't cut it to hear it from Zander. :::snort:::

THANKS for all the prayers for the migraine. It's a doozey this time.


Cynthia said...

Hi DeEtta,
Regarding melatonin. You might recall a year or so ago when our dd was having migraines. She went to a specialist and one of the suggested changes for her was to ROUTINELY take melatonin EVERY night. It's not addictive so I didn't need to worry about letting a high schooler take in regularly. Now, the only thing I didn't get around to checking was whether or not the kind we were using was "vegetarian" or not. IOW, melatonin comes from a cow's brain and with all the mad cow stuff these days I wanted to be certain that it was not manufactured from cow's brain. So, if you get around to checking this out let me know if you find a brand that looks safe. Hmmm.. maybe I'll do some more searching on that and get back to you. I had kind of forgotten that I needed to do this for dd.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

WHAT??? Cow's BRAIN??? GROSS!!!

So meatonin is supposed to be something that will help if taken routinely? Really? And I could sleep a bit at night? But not so soundly that I wouldnt' wake and hear an intruder????

What do I need to search out???? Oh my head....maybe cows brain wouldn't be so bad....

Anonymous said...

I often wonder about women who sleep just fine while their man is gone. I do not. Sympathizing with you and sending love and prayers your way. It gets better, that or maybe my body just gets so exhausted that sleep eventually takes over, I don't know. Hang in there.

Kristine in SA