Saturday, October 07, 2006

Migraine Update

Wow! This one is a doozey. I woke up this a.m. and it was still “low grade”. Possible to function with some noticing I’m a bit “off” but not throwing up. I thought I’d be able to run to Hobby Lobby, Big Lots, and Sam’s and attend a birthday party. By 10:00 my vision was funky and my head was roaring. I really wanted to attend the birthday party so TOOK MEDS and shortened my list to the essentials: Sam’s club to pick up order that was ready and waiting and to the birthday party. By 11:00 I was throwing up, funky vision and didn’t want to lift my head. Jamin came with me to Sam’s to make sure I stayed on the road and I didn’t make it to the party. I’m very grateful this hit NOW and not during a school week. I am fairly certain I’ll be at least at low grade functioning by Monday – which is good as it is Shop Natural co-op night.

When I got home from Sam’s Arielle got a call to go play with Ashley (Tricia’s daughter). I thought that would be fun for her. Josiah is at work. Nolan and Zander wer very sad because they didn't get to see their friends. We've tried the last two days but it hasn't worked out. I was glad that Play Station and movies are a rare TREAT around here. When Stacia fell asleep, I set up Narnia on the play station and Nolan and Zander played while Arielle went to a friend's. Jared went bike riding and Jamin worked on the first 5 pages of his book. He’s working them over with a book that I found on Amazon, “
The First Five Pages – A Writer’s Guide to Staying Out of the Rejection Pile”. He’s not sure he likes the rewrite.

I went to bed until Stacia woke up. I then served tea. I don’t do a lot of caffeine but I find when having a doozey of a migraine it sometimes help….so I made a pot of vanilla tea and the children joined me. I’m about to head to bed again and they are going to watch “Iron Will” a Netflix movie that is recommended for school.

We aren't having RE (religious education) tomorrow and so I won't HAVE to be up and about until the evening service....I'll baby this head and be time. Yes...I'm choosing joy...really this could be much, much worse...I do have Jamin and Jared here to haul everyone off my bed when needed. :::snort:::

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