Wednesday, October 18, 2006

School Daze
The older children continue to work on week 4 of TOG. The younger ones and I continue to enjoy our rabbit trials.

Today we read a fun book on verbs: *To Root, to Toot, to Parachute* by Brian Cleary. The younger ones obviously had a different mental image on the title than the author meant. :::snort::: I DID go to the library and picked up the Ruth Heller books that Cynthia recommended. I got a couple more on nouns and one more on verbs. I plan to move on to pronouns, adjectives or adverbs after this. I wish I'd hit on this much earlier. This is just PERFECT for teaching them the grammar they need without doing endless drills.

Yesterday, I had picked up several more books on the Wright brothers. The children picked this one to read. It was great! Enough info to hold their interest but not so much info that their eyes glazed over. I would like to find a model of their glider or something....something EASY....I think the one I got may be impossible for us to put together.
Arielle finished her math book today! Yippee. Actually I took a very hands on, relaxed approach to math last year. She wanted a workbook so I picked up the Grade 2 math book at Sam's Club. I thought I'd pick up Grade 3 for her today - but this Sam's club doesn't have any. I did pick up some living math books and I do have Math Reasoning....and Family Math....and some math we are not in a huge rush to get a workbook - unless she really wants one.
I'm not sure what else we did in school - it all begins to blur.


Cynthia said...

I hope you like the Ruth Heller books and I really wish we could make use of the library. I just don't get there very often... I wish they had a netflix type thing for books! No late fees, you can make your list and the order you want to receive the books, etc. THAT would be NICE!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Cy loves to run to the library for me...I make a list at the start of the unit of books that I think will work and he goes in and gets them and then returns them for me.

I've gone a lot this week because I was looking for different books than planned....

Cynthia said...

Is your library close by? Ours isn't convenient anymore now that we don't go downtown very often. I can try holding things again because they leave them at the front desk and dd only needs to go in and pick them up. Oh...and I should try using the bookmobile because it does come out here once a month..... I should check their schedule again. I know their return schedule is a little different since it coordinates with the bookmobile schedule. Maybe I wouldn't end up with late fees that way.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Everything is close in this town. We ARE, however, the biggest town in America that is not on the interstate system. LOL

Seriously, I can get from one end of town to the other in less than 20 minutes. It used to take us 25 minutes to get the base gate...and town was anothe 10 nothing seems very far around here...