Our geo-nickels are here. These are little wooden nickels that we’ll be able to leave in caches. I ordered these here and was very impressed with how easy Mark was to work with. 
Today is House of Faith day for Jamin and Jared. They are enjoying being involved in this ministry. Last week many of the youth volunteers were at a Worldview Camp. Jared reported that one of the girls told him that she met a girl named Mary R who said to tell the G’s hello! How’s that for a small world?
While the boys were occupied the rest of us met Tricia and her girls at the park. It was actually our homeschool support group park day. However, there weren’t many attending today. I DID meet a new lady. That is always fun to do. I think she’s one I’ve heard about but I’m not sure why. She had also heard of me…so I’m guessing Adrienne or the Bible Study that several of the ladies had last spring. I should have asked her for more details. “Are you the Jennifer who….” I noticed today that we are now far beyond the “cuddle at the park in the sling” stage with Stacia. She was down and running today…which is probably good for me. I got SOME exercise in. :::snort:::
In the kitchen I got a load of apples dried. It’s about time to get another care package off to Mike. I made meatballs, rice, corn, salad, bread and lots of fruit for dinner.
The kids and I finished reading *The Great Brain Does it Again* by John D. Fitzgerald last night. I LOVE this series; though these boys are not ones I would want my boys to imitate. We have lots of laughs every time we read through this series.
The significance of the above paragraph is that we needed to pick a new book to read in the evenings. Zander brought out the Duane Gish book on Dinosaurs. This is a signed copy for Bre and Krista in 1995. That, of course, resulted in a jaunt down memory lane. This is not a “child’s” read aloud book….but we read about 6 pages before Zander decided that was enough. The kids have asked if I’d continue to read it to them “maybe for school”. They narrowed their choices down to “Peter Pan” or “The Adventures of Pinocchio”. NOT the Disney versions
– the real classic versions. *The Adventures of Pinocchio* by Carlo Collodi won, with the understanding that I will read the original *Peter Pan* next. We discussed that this book was published in the 1880’s. The great thing is that Jamin and Jared joined after they listened in for a bit. They are going to have great fun comparing it to Disney. Jamin loves old writers and so this was a great choice. It was Nolan’s pick….I compared the size of books and size of print and went with Pinocchio. I’ll look for Peter Pan in bigger print in the next couple of weeks. LOL

Today is House of Faith day for Jamin and Jared. They are enjoying being involved in this ministry. Last week many of the youth volunteers were at a Worldview Camp. Jared reported that one of the girls told him that she met a girl named Mary R who said to tell the G’s hello! How’s that for a small world?
While the boys were occupied the rest of us met Tricia and her girls at the park. It was actually our homeschool support group park day. However, there weren’t many attending today. I DID meet a new lady. That is always fun to do. I think she’s one I’ve heard about but I’m not sure why. She had also heard of me…so I’m guessing Adrienne or the Bible Study that several of the ladies had last spring. I should have asked her for more details. “Are you the Jennifer who….” I noticed today that we are now far beyond the “cuddle at the park in the sling” stage with Stacia. She was down and running today…which is probably good for me. I got SOME exercise in. :::snort:::
In the kitchen I got a load of apples dried. It’s about time to get another care package off to Mike. I made meatballs, rice, corn, salad, bread and lots of fruit for dinner.

The significance of the above paragraph is that we needed to pick a new book to read in the evenings. Zander brought out the Duane Gish book on Dinosaurs. This is a signed copy for Bre and Krista in 1995. That, of course, resulted in a jaunt down memory lane. This is not a “child’s” read aloud book….but we read about 6 pages before Zander decided that was enough. The kids have asked if I’d continue to read it to them “maybe for school”. They narrowed their choices down to “Peter Pan” or “The Adventures of Pinocchio”. NOT the Disney versions

The geo-nickels are great! Stacia is on the go at park days now, how can that be, she's just a baby VBG. They do insist on growing up for some reason it seems. Bet she's cute trying to keep up with the bigger kids.
LOL about your birthday, the military medical sounds soooo very organised, -rolls eyes-
These look so cool! Now you've got me thinking about geonickels. It sure would beat the dollar store cars that we use now. lol
And here's a mamogram story for you... My mom teaches ESL to a group of Japanese ladies through our church. One of her students came in this week telling her of her "bad" appointment. Mom didn't understand quite what she was saying until the words pull, smash, and ouch came out! The poor lady kept saying , "Bad, very bad." Happy birthday! lol
We read the original Pinnochio as a read aloud the last time we were in germany... and then we even went to Collodi (I think that's the birthplace of the author) to a little park about Pinocchio
Very cool nickels. A local friend and fellow SHS'er ordered some from him and they also turned out really cool. We haven't gotten into geocaching enough to warrant purchasing anything like that yet. I would like to find something quick and easy to make and leave though.
RE geonickels.....I was making quick and easy shrinky dinks with the same graphic...but they were neither quick nor easy and ended up costing the same or more than the nickels. The nickels are cheaper than the dollar store trinkets we have been leaving.
A tip for geocachers: birthday party loot goes directly into our caching backpack unless it's something the kids really want, fast food toys (lots from our vacation) also go directly into the backpack! LOL
OH Steph - had to laugh at your mom's story. At my second appointment there was a little hispanic lady who spoke no English. She was probably in her 70's and her daughter had brought her in. When I came out she wanted all the details and kept saying "hurt bad"....I tried to assure her and her daughter tried to assure her. I can't imagine going through any test like this if I didn't understand the language.
Those doctors are just trying to be efficient.lol
I have one of those roaming littles now and it's really hard to keep up. My problem is that Evie and Isaac always go in opposite directions!LOL
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