New Blog Feature – “Big Family Myths”
*I’m open to catchy names for this feature…suggest away… PLEASE!
I’m considering a new feature on the blog. This stems from several comments I’ve heard online and in real life. I think I’ll do a weekly “Big Family Myth” entry. That is if there is an interest (either for me to write or for you to read :::snort:::). I considered the fact that the blogosphere is filled with large family blogs and websites. Frankly, quite a few of the myths I hear stem from those spots.
I’m nothing if not real. Those who read regularly, see the bumps and bruises as well as the glowing moments in our family life. I do that for a reason. I think it is important for us to see that life is a journey, none of us have arrived, and all NEED grace and should be throwing themselves on GRACE DAILY! I have never tried to portray myself or my family as perfect. If you have us a pedestal – take us down now! :::stomping foot::: So…why would I consider myself able to debunk some big family myths….because I live it. Because I AM real…I have no books to sell or huge public image to protect. I’m fairly open and honest in real life so I doubt that anyone will ask something that my close friends and family don’t already know. Since many of you don’t know me in real life, you may feel comfortable asking things you’d never ask your friend in REAL life but that concerns you or you’re curious about. Frankly, I hope to offer you an avenue to understand your “eccentric friend” with the large family so that you can minister to each other a bit more competently. I also hope to help you understand the lifestyle, both its joys and its limitations, of a large family.
If you are a big family and would like a forum to have some of the myths that are so blithely thrown your way debunked, feel free to post the thought, question or myth. If you are a smaller family and wonder “how it all gets done” or if something you’ve heard is accurate, ask away. Now – be aware that something you may have believed as “fact” may be myth…and some “myths” you may have believed are likely to be fact. Of course, I do not speak for large families everywhere. In fact, I’m only now coming to grips with the fact that most do consider us to have a large family, even in the homeschooling movement.
For the purpose of our discussion “large” is anything YOU consider to be “large”.
Feel free to post the “myths” or questions in the comment section here or email them to me personally. I’ll see if general themes develop and try to handle at least one a week. Never fear the blog will not become ALL about big families…because I live a varied life.
I’m fairly certain that through this exercise we will learn that all of us are basically the same, with a few extra twists or challenges thrown in. I hope that we’ll better understand each other. I hope that less “biting or hurtful or unthinking or inconsiderate” comments will be lobbed at each other. I hope that we will understand a bit better the lifestyles of each other and the particular path that God has led each one down.
By the way, if one of you with a “small family” would like to do “small family myths” let me know and I’ll send folks your way….or I’ll post your entry here once a week…as long as you don’t write more often than I. For the purposes of our discussion “small” is anything you consider to be “small”. I WAS thinking I was a “small family” since we are down to seven at home but I’ve revised my opinion since Mike deployed. :::snort:::
Go for it girl. I know I get questions and always enjoy when someone gets a better understanding.
Has someone lobbed "biting or hurtful or unthinking or inconsiderate" comments at you?
I admire the fighting spirit to debunk myths, but I'm wondering what's prompted this latest foray into the battlefield. I realize foray is a strong word, but you're wrtiting is as a woman on fire! I agree w/mom t...Go for it girl!
Here are some I hear all the time...and some for fun...
Mom's of large families have no time for themselves.
Mom's of large families can't possibly spend enough time with each of their kids.
It costs too much to have so many kids.
Your oldest kids are TOO responsible and love their siblings too much.*snort* (I hear this from family..)
Your washing machine never stops running.LOL
There is always someone who needs a
There is always someone who, when you are out, you will notice they didn't get their hair brushed and/or are wearing
You will sometimes leave someone or something important at home when you are in a hurry.(for us, it's usually shoes...although whenever I'm pregnant I always have the dream that I've left the new baby at
Lisa (of a medium sized family, of soon to be 5 great kids!)
Maybe you need to cover "what NOT to say to someone in a big family."
What always embarrassed me the most was the "don't you know what causes that?" type of comment -- but directed at me as a TEEN about my PARENTS.
There are just some moments when a blog discussion comes in a distant second to imagining whacking someone with a skillet.
Biggest myth in my experience is "you must be Catholic"
-- people think there's no reason to have several kids unless you're Catholic (& presumably have no choice).
I've thought about this for a long time. I hear a lot of comments in various forums and often shake my head.
I've heard several comments lately - some aimed at me and others at others that have led me to thin that really....there are a lot of "myths" out there.
People like to put others in a "box". She homeschools, therefore she is this way. She is a Christian, therefore she is this way. She's a stay at home mom, therefore she is this way. She has a large family, therefore she is this way. She has one child, therefore she is this way.
I would like to help others see that really we are not terribly different. At the same time I've come to understand that many are fascinated with the daily working of a large family. I can give them that glimpse and maybe they won't make quite so many assumptions.
Nah, I've not been scorched - because I've been the mom of a large family for many years and I've heard just about everything....but I've been thinking that maybe debunking some of these myths would make it so other large families don't HAVE to hear it all. :::snort:::
In other words - I dont' have an ax to grind. I think it will be fun. I've had many email me and say they like to read my blog because it's a close glimpse into a large family....I'm simply inviting ya' all to come closer and ask any questions you may have. LOL
I don't consider our family "large" with only having 4 kids, but I'm surprised how many of our friends or acquaintances consider 4 to be a large family. Not that this adds anything to the conversation... just commenting and agreeing with you that it's anyone's definition as to what large or small means.
I think it all depends on how many kids a person has and if they can handle them.LOL Now, when Isaac was born, I felt like my family was huge and anyone who could handle more was amazing! Now that I have a better handle on things, my family feels more like medium sized. Still enough to get me in trouble but managable on good
We are "only" a 4 child family but I have gotten "are you catholic", "you have your hands full" and even "I bet you homeschool" as big family comments. Funny about the homeschool one but it does seem that there is a connection!
Maybe the reason homeschool families begin to be big families is that once you are home with your children day in and day out you begin to realize there is nothing to fear but fear itself. LOL
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